Bioinformatics publications
Creating Fungal Pathway/Genome Databases Using Pathway Tools
The Pathway Tools software allows a group of scientists to create, update, and publish on the Web an evolving knowledge resource describing the genome and biochemical networks of the organism.
BioWarehouse: a bioinformatics database warehouse toolkit
We introduce BioWarehouse, an open source toolkit for constructing bioinformatics database warehouses using the MySQL and Oracle relational database managers.
MetaCyc: a multiorganism database of metabolic pathways and enzymes
MetaCyc contains metabolic pathways, enzymatic reactions, enzymes, chemical compounds, genes and review-level comments.
Evidence supporting predicted metabolic pathways for Vibrio cholerae: gene expression data and clinical tests
Using the completed V.cholerae genome sequence and PathoLogic software, we created VchoCyc, a pathway-genome database that predicted 171 likely metabolic pathways in the bacterium.
The Outcomes of Pathway Database Computations Depend on Pathway Ontology
Different biological notions of pathways are used in different pathway databases. Those pathway ontologies significantly impact pathway computations.
MetaCyc and AraCyc. Metabolic Pathway Databases for Plant Research
In conjunction with the Pathway Tools software, MetaCyc can be used to computationally predict the metabolic pathway complement of an annotated genome.
Identifying Candidate Genes Using The BioWarehouse: A Case Study
The BioWarehouse is an open source data warehousing environment focused on supporting bioinformatics databases (DBs). BioWarehouse integrates public source DBs such as Swiss-Prot and GenBank into a unified normalized schema…
The complete genome sequence of Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia
We report the complete genome sequence of a highly virulent isolate of F. tularensis. The sequence uncovers previously uncharacterized genes encoding type IV pili, a surface polysaccharide and iron-acquisition systems.
Querying and Computing with BioCyc Databases
We describe multiple methods for accessing and querying the complex and integrated cellular data in the BioCyc family of databases.
EcoCyc: a comprehensive database resource for Escherichia coli
The mission for EcoCyc is to contain both computable descriptions of, and detailed comments describing, all genes, proteins, pathways and molecular interactions in E.coli.
Expansion of the BioCyc Collection of Pathway/Genome Databases to 160 Genomes
This paper discusses the computational methodology by which the BioCyc collection has been expanded, and presents an aggregate analysis of the collection that includes the range of number of pathways…
Genome Annotation Errors in Pathway Databases Due to Semantic Ambiguity in Partial EC Numbers
We report on a new type of systematic annotation error in genome and pathway databases that results from the misinterpretation of partial Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers such as ‘1.1.1.-’.