Artificial intelligence publications
Temporal Summarization of Plans
This paper presents an approach to summarizing temporal plans that focuses on identifying noteworthy temporal features. These techniques look for regularities or exceptional temporal elements, drawing on a modest domain…
A Sequence Alignment Model Based on the Averaged Perceptron
We describe a discriminatively trained sequence alignment model based on the averaged perceptron. In common with other approaches to sequence modeling using perceptrons, and in contrast with comparable generative models,…
A Categorization of Explanation Questions for Task Processing Systems
In this paper we propose a categorization of question types relevant to explaining task processing. For each question type, we also propose alternative explanation strategies for answering them.
Using genome context data to identify specific types of functional associations in pathway/genome databases
Genome-context methods have proved useful in providing clues about functional annotations for many proteins. They detect many biological types of functional associations, and do not identify which type of functional…
Explaining Task Processing in Cognitive Assistants that Learn
We will describe the ICEE (Integrated Cognitive Explanation Environment) explanation system and its approach to explaining task reasoning.
A Survey of Orphan Enzyme Activities
Here we present a follow-up literature-based survey involving a statistically significant sample of such "orphan" activities.
Graphical Manipulation of Evidence in Structured Arguments
A semiautomated approach to evidential reasoning uses template-based structured argumentation. Graphical depictions convey lines of reasoning, from evidence through to conclusions.
A Case Study in Engineering a Knowledge Base for an Intelligent Personal Assistant
We present a case study in engineering a large knowledge base (KB) to meet the requirements of a personal assistant. We discuss our KB development methodology and the engineering challenges…
Presentation of Information for Link Analysis
SRI's LAW (Link Analysis Workbench) is a system that helps intelligence analysts detect occurrences of situations of interest by finding pattern instances in vast amounts of data using graph edit…
Localization in Horizontal-Only Ambisonic Systems
We test the localization of horizontal-only Ambisonic reproduction systems using various test signals to separately evaluate low-frequency and mid-frequency localization.
Proving Authentication Properties in the Protocol Derivation Assistant
In the present paper, we introduce an axiomatic theory of authentication suitable for the automatic proof of authentication properties. We describe a proof of the authentication property of a simple…
Metatheoretic Plan Summarization and Comparison
We describe a domain-independent framework for plan summarization and comparison that can help a human understand both key strategic elements of an individual plan and important differences among plans.