Artificial intelligence publications
Deductive Discovery and Composition of Resources
We consider the problem of answering a query, where the answer is not provided explicitly by any one resource, but has to be deduced from information provided by many resources;…
Computer-Mediated Collaborative Reasoning and Intelligence Analysis
We introduce a framework spanning the entire collaborative thought process using the Angler and SEAS (Structured Evidential Argumentation System) applications. Angler encourages creative brainstorming while SEAS demands analytical reasoning. The…
Deploying a Personalized Time Management Agent
We report on our ongoing practical experience in designing, implementing, and deploying PTIME, a personalized agent for time management and meeting scheduling in an open, multi-agent environment. In developing PTIME…
Continuous Refinement of Agent Resource Estimates
The challenge we address is to reason about projected resource usage within a hierarchical task execution framework in order to improve agent effectiveness. Specifically, we seek to define and maintain…
NOMOS: A Semantic Web software framework for annotation of multimodal corpora
We present NOMOS, an open-source software framework for annotation, processing, and analysis of multimodal corpora.
Multi-Criteria Evaluation in User-Centric Distributed Scheduling Agents
This position paper discusses the problem of locally evaluating and comparing candidate schedules, in the context of a distributed scheduling task operating in unbounded environments in which each agent selfishly…
Creating Fungal Pathway/Genome Databases Using Pathway Tools
The Pathway Tools software allows a group of scientists to create, update, and publish on the Web an evolving knowledge resource describing the genome and biochemical networks of the organism.
MetaCyc: a multiorganism database of metabolic pathways and enzymes
MetaCyc contains metabolic pathways, enzymatic reactions, enzymes, chemical compounds, genes and review-level comments.
Reducing Human Fatigue in Interactive Evolutionary Computation through Fuzzy Systems and Machine Learning Systems
We describe two approaches to reducing human fatigue in Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC). A predictor function is used to estimate the human user’s score, thus reducing the amount of effort…
Escherichia coli K-12: a cooperatively developed annotation snapshot 2005
The goal of this group project has been to coordinate and bring up-to-date information on all genes of Escherichia coli K-12. Annotation of the genome of an organism entails identification…
BioWarehouse: a bioinformatics database warehouse toolkit
We introduce BioWarehouse, an open source toolkit for constructing bioinformatics database warehouses using the MySQL and Oracle relational database managers.
Software Supported Pattern Development in Intelligence Analysis
This paper describes the GEM pattern language for encoding analysts’ information needs in graphical patterns, and its use in the Link Analysis Workbench (LAW) system to find inexact matches to…