Artificial intelligence publications
A Guide to SNARK
Snark, SRI's New Automated Reasoning Kit, is a theorem prover intended for applications in artificial intelligence and software engineering. This document is an example-driven tutorial introduction to snark that will…
Multiple-Target Tracking in Dense, Noisy Environments: A Probabilistic Mapping Perspective
A new approach is taken to address the various aspects of the multiple-target tracking (MTT) problem in dense and noisy environments.
MAESTRO: Conductor of Multimedia Analysis Technologies
MAESTRO is a research and demonstration system developed at SRI International for exploring the contribution of a variety of analysis technologies
XOL: An XML-Based Ontology Exchange Language
This document describes a language called XOL, is designed to provide a format for exchanging ontology definitions among a set of interested parties.
Domain Metatheories: Enabling User-Centric Planning
In this paper, we argue that improved usability requires a new representational layer that captures metatheoretic properties of a planning domain.
Ontology Construction Toolkit
The goal of this project was to enable knowledge engineers to construct knowledge bases (KBs) faster. To achieve this goal, we investigated two techniques: knowledge reuse and axiom templates. The…
Bridging the lexical chasm: statistical approaches to answer-finding
This paper investigates whether a machine can automatically learn the task of finding, within a large collection of candidate responses, the answers to questions.
Planning with Conflicting Advice
This paper introduces two contrasting methods for planning with conflicting advice, suited to different user requirements. Soft enforcement embodies a heuristic approach that prefers planning choices that are consistent with…
An Ontology for Biological Function Based on Molecular Interactions
The article explores the notion of computing with function, and explains the importance of ontologies of function to bioinformatics.
Global Properties of the Metabolic Map of Escherichia coli
Here we present a computational analysis of the global properties of that network, which consists of 744 reactions that are catalyzed by 607 enzymes.
The EcoCyc and MetaCyc Databases
Both databases are queried using the Pathway Tools graphical user interface, which provides a wide variety of query operations and visualization tools.
Information extraction with HMM structures learned by stochastic optimization
This paper demonstrates that extraction accuracy strongly depends on the selection of structure, and presents an algorithm for automatically finding good structures by stochastic optimization.