Artificial intelligence publications
Interpretation of Discourse and Proof Theory: Questions and Directions
A major theme of Johan’s Exploring Logical Dynamics is the move from using the tools of logic to analyze the products of cognitive processes to using those tools, including perhaps…
Using the EcoCyc Database
3–D Stereo Reconstruction of Human Faces driven by Differential Constraints
We propose a way to incorporate a priori information in a reconstruction process from a sequence of calibrated face images.
A Collaborative Environment for Authoring Large Knowledge Bases
We present an architecture for scalable frame representation systems (FRSs). KBs must be supported for rapid construction by a collaborative effort of teams of knowledge engineers through reuse of existing…
EcoCyc: Electronic Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism
Information extraction using HMMs and shrinkage
This paper advocates for the use of HMMs for information extraction.
Integrated Pathway/Genome Databases and Their Role in Drug Discovery
We describe pathway-based analyses of the genomes of a number of medically relevant microorganisms, and a novel software tool that provides visualization of gene expression data on a diagram showing…
EcoCyc: The Resource and the Lessons Learned
c-Type Cytochromes and Manganese Oxidation in Pseudomonas putida MnB1
We used transposon mutagenesis to construct mutants of strain MnB1 that are unable to oxidize manganese, and we characterized some of these mutants.
Controlling Communication in Distributed Planning Using Irrelevance Reasoning
This paper describes an approach to controlling information distribution among planning agents using irrelevance reasoning. We describe an implementation of this approach within a distributed version of the SIPE-2 planner.
New Developments in Lattice-Based Search Strategies in SRI’s Hub4 System
We describe new developments in SRI's lattice-based progressive search strategy. These developments include the implementation of a new bigram lattice algorithm, lattice optimization techniques, and expansion of bigram lattices to…
Hybrid Planning: An Approach to Integrating Generative and Case-Based Planning
This paper describes ongoing research on the development of a hybrid planning system that integrates case-based reasoning (CBR) methods into SIPE-2, a generative planning system.