Artificial intelligence publications
The Saphira Architecture for Autonomous Mobile Robots
Mobile robots, if they are to perform useful tasks and become accepted in open environments, must be autonomous: capable of acquiring information and performing tasks without programmatic intervention.
Unusual ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase genes from a marine manganese-oxidizing bacterium
Initial DNA hybridization screening showed that SI85-9A1 possesses a gene similar to cbbL, the gene coding for the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO; EC However, no RubisCO enzyme activity was…
Using Crest Line to Guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo
We propose an approach to interleave surface reconstruction from multiple images and feature extraction using object-centered representation optimized to conform to the surface shape.
Segmenting Reactions to Improve the Behavior of a Planning/Reacting Agent
In this paper, we examine the problem of selecting the best set of reactions for an agent to store. In particular, we examine the benefit of including {em intervals} of…
Agent Development Tools for the Open Agent Architecture
The ADT provides a variety of mechanisms that support the specification and implementation of individual agents, as well as cooperating communities of agents. This paper discusses a number of general…
A Protocol for Maintaining Multidatabase Referential Integrity
We propose a network protocol whereby a database administrator can provide information about changes to the identifiers of objects in their database via Internet, to allow other databases to maintain…
Motion of points and lines in the uncalibrated case
In the present paper we address the problem of computing structure and motion, given a set point and/or line correspondences, in a monocular image sequence, when the camera is not…
Self-Calibration of a Stereo Rig from Unknown Camera Motions and Point Correspondences
We show theoretically and with experiments on real images, how it is possible to completely calibrate a stereo rig, that is to determine each camera’s intrinsic parameters and the relative…
Strategic Advice for Hierarchical Planners
This paper describes an Advisable Planner framework that marries an advice-taking interface to AI planning technology. The framework is designed to enable users to interact with planning systems at high…
Advisable Planning Systems
The Advisable Planner project seeks to make AI planning technology more accessible and easier to use through the metaphor of advice-taking. In particular, we are developing an advisable planning system…
Asynchronous Dynamic Replanning in a Multiagent Planning Architecture
We briefly describe the history of ARPI projects at SRI International. Such agents require several capabilities for successful operation, such as monitoring the world, responding appropriately to important events, accepting…
EcoCyc: Electronic Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism
The EcoCyc graphical user interface allows scientists to query and explore the EcoCyc database using visualization tools such as genomic-map browsers and automatic layouts of metabolic pathways.