Artificial intelligence publications
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Construction Planning
This paper highlights the limitations of existing project planning tools, illustrates the power of AI techniques in the construction planning domain through a summary and critique of previous and current…
Katz and Postal on Realism in Linguistics
The ruling idea behind Katz and Postal, is that with respect to linguistics and linguistic objects, as with Mathematics and mathematical objects, there are three basic philosophies: nominalism, conceptualism, and…
Quantification In Autoepistemic Logic
Here we look at quantification in auto-epistemic logic, which is a modal logic of self-knowledge. We propose several different semantics, all based on the idea that having beliefs about an…
Actions and Movements
We present an account of action whose main features are that actions are content properties that agents have in virtue of (i) the bodily movements they effect and (ii) the…
Working Notes On PARADISE Chess Patterns
This report contains primarily data and is intended for people writing pattern-based game-playing programs who wish to know the details of the patterns in PARADISE.
On The Semantics Of Fuzzy Logic
The problem of generating similarity functions from a given set of possibility distributions, with the latter interpreted as defining a number of (graded) discernibility relations and the former as the…
Artificial intelligence methods for theory representation and hypothesis formation
This article describes artificial intelligence methods for representing theories in molecular biology, and for improving the predictive power of these theories using experimental data.
La couleur en vision par ordinateur: une revue
Ce papier fait le point dans ce domaine, en essayant de repondre aux questions : Qu'est-ce que la couleur ? Quelles en sont les representations adequates ? Comment la determiner…
Information and Architecture
This paper is a continuation of [1] and builds on both the theory and the terminology of that earlier work.
Fodor and Psychological Explanations
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Center, AIC
Understanding Evidential Reasoning
We show that evidential reasoning can be interpreted in terms of classical probability theory and that the Dempster-Shafer calculus of evidence may be considered to be a form of generalized…
Proving Properties Of Rule-Based Systems
Deductive methods are being applied to their validation, to detect flaws in these systems and enable us to use them with more confidence. Each system of rules is encoded as…