Artificial intelligence publications
A Deductive Approach To Program Synthesis
This approach regards program synthesis as a theorem-proving task and relies on a theorem-proving method that combines the features of transformation rules, unification, and mathematical induction within a single framework.
Prospects For Industrial Vision
This paper builds a case for needed additional levels of representation and outlines the design of a general-purpose computer-vision system capable of high performance in a wide variety of industrial…
Why Ask?
In this paper, we address the problem, 'What makes an answer appropriate?’ We do so by investigating indirect answers to questions in task-oriented dialogues.
Engineering Design Viewed as an Activity in Artificial Intelligence
The process of problem solving has been studied in artificial intelligence research for the past few decades. This paper describes the engineering design process from several viewpoints, and then relates…
Encoding Knowledge In Partitioned Networks
This paper discusses network notations for encoding a number of different kinds of knowledge, including taxonomic information; general statements involving quantification; information about processes and procedures; the delineation of local…
Synthesis: Dreams = Programs
Deductive techniques are presented for deriving programs systematically from given specifications. The specifications express the purpose of the desired program without giving any hint of the algorithm to be employed.
PROSPECTOR: A Computer-Based Consultation System For Mineral Exploration
This paper reviews the principles and status of PROSPECTOR, a computer-based consultation program for mineral exploration. The mechanisms for representing ore deposit models by networks of inference rules are described,…
The Logic Of Computer Programming
Techniques derived from mathematical logic promise to provide an alternative to the conventional methodology for constructing, debugging, and optimizing computer programs. This paper provides a unified tutorial exposition of the…
A Production System For Automatic Deduction
A new predicate calculus deduction system based on production rules is proposed. The system combines several developments in Artificial Intelligence and Automatic Theorem Proving research including the use of domain-specific…
A Network-Based Knowledge Representation and Its Natural Systems
We describe a knowledge representation scheme called K-NET and a problem solving system called SNIFFER designed to answer queries using a K-NET knowledge base. K-NET uses a partitioned semantic net…
Interactive Aids For Cartography and Photo Interpretation
In this report, the application areas of ARPA-supported Machine Vision work at SRI were changed to Cartography and Photointerpretation. This change entailed general familiarization with the new domains, exploration of…
Parametric Correspondence and Chamfer Matching: Two New Techniques for Image Matching
Parametric correspondence is a technique for matching images to a three dimensional symbolic reference map. An analytic camera model is used to predict the location and appearance of landmarks in…