2d-3d reasoning and augmented reality publications
Precise Vision-Aided Aerial Navigation
This paper proposes a novel vision-aided navigation approach that continuously estimates precise 3D absolute pose for aerial vehicles, using only inertial measurements and monocular camera observations.
Augmented Reality Binoculars on the Move
We present our latest improvements and additions to our pose estimation pipeline and demonstrate stable registration of objects on the real world scenery while the binoculars are undergoing significant amount…
Mining Structure Fragments for Smart Bundle Adjustment
In this work we show that, when using conjugate gradient solvers, there is a computational advantage in “grouping” factors corresponding to sets of points (fragments) that are co-visible by the…
Augmented Reality Binoculars
In this paper we present an augmented reality binocular system to allow long range high precision augmentation of live telescopic imagery with aerial and terrain based synthetic objects, vehicles, people…
Robust Vision-Aided Navigation Using Sliding-Window Factor Graphs
This paper proposes a navigation algorithm that provides a low-latency solution while estimating the full nonlinear navigation state.
3D Optic Disc Reconstruction Via a Global Fundus Stereo Algorithm
This paper presents a novel method to recover 3D structure of the optic disc in the retina from two uncalibrated fundus images.
Algorithms for Geodesics
Algorithms for the computation of geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution are given. These provide accurate, robust, and fast solutions to the direct and inverse geodesic problems and they allow…
Image to LIDAR Matching for Geotagging in Urban Environments
We present a novel method for matching ground-based query images to a georeferenced LIDAR 3D dataset acquired from an airborne platform in urban environments.
Implementation of an Augmented Reality System for Training Dismounted Warfighters
We describe the technical methods and experimental results on building an Augmented Reality Training system for training dismounts doing maneuver operations.
Multi-Sensor Navigation Algorithm Using Monocular Camera, IMU and GPS for Large Scale Augmented Reality
Camera tracking system for augmented reality applications that can operate both indoors and outdoors is described. The system uses a monocular camera, a MEMS-type inertial measurement unit (IMU) with 3-axis…
Long-Range Pedestrian Detection Using Stereo and a Cascade of Convolutional Network Classifiers
In this paper, we present a system for detecting pedestrians at long ranges using a combination of stereo-based detection, classification using deep learning, and a cascade of specialized classifiers that…
Multiple Target Tracking by Integrating Track Refinement and Data Association
Multiple target tracking that integrates target model estimation and data association steps is described. The integration allows successive refinement of the models while reducing the uncertainty in data association.