2d-3d reasoning and augmented reality publications
Stereo Vision Embedded System for Augmented Reality
Stereo Vision processing is a critical component of Augmented Reality systems that rely on the precise depth map of a scene to properly place computer generated objects with real life…
Magic Mirror: A Virtual Handbag Shopping System
We present an augmented reality system based on Kinect for on-line handbag shopping. The users can virtually try on different handbags on a TV screen at home.
A Graph Traversal Based Algorithm for Obstacle Detection Using Lidar or Stereo
We present a novel computationally efficient approach to obstacle detection that is applicable to both structured and unstructured environments.
3D Alignment and Change Detection from Uncalibrated Eye Images
We introduce a projective geometry based approach that reconstructs and aligns 3D blood vessel networks given two stereo pairs of optic disc images.
High-Precision Localization Using Visual Landmarks Fused with Ranged Data
In this paper, we demonstrated that with the use of precise 3D Li-dar range data, we are able to build a global consistent database of high precision 3D visual landmarks,…
A LIDAR Streaming Architecture for Mobile Robotics with Application to 3D Structure Characterization
We present a novel LIDAR streaming architecture for real-time, on-board processing using unmanned robots.
Stable Vision-Aided Navigation for Large-Area Augmented Reality
In this paper, we present a unified approach for a drift-free and jitter-reduced vision-aided navigation system.
Large-Scale Visual Odometry for Rough Terrain
We present the results of several years of work on an integrated system to localize a mobile robot in rough outdoor terrain using visual odometry, with an increasing degree of…
Seamless Indoor/Outdoor 6 DOF Tracking of Trainees and Weapons
In this paper we present a system for tracking the trainee’s location, head orientation, and weapon orientation that provides high precision and does not require an instrumented site.
Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Ubiquitous Infrastructure-Free Localization in Vision-Impaired Environments
In this paper, we present a unified approach for a camera tracking system based on an error-state Kalman filter algorithm.
Efficient Sparse Pose Adjustment for 2D Mapping
In this paper, we propose an efficient method for constructing and solving the linear subproblem, which is the bottleneck of these direct methods.
Class-Specific Grasping of 3D Objects from a Single 2D Image
Our goal is to grasp 3D objects given a single image, by using prior 3D shape models of object classes