2d-3d reasoning and augmented reality publications
Detecting Changes in 3-d Shape using Self-Consistency
A novel image-matching measure based on Minimum Description Length (MDL) theory allows us to estimate the accuracy of individual elements of the 3- D model. Experiments to demonstrate the utility…
A Framework for Detecting Changes in Terrain
We propose a methodology that estimates the accuracy and reliability of the results of any multiple-image point correspondence algorithm, without the need for ground truth or camera calibration.
Using 3-Dimensional Meshes to Combine Image-Based and Geometry Constraints
A unified framework for 3-D shape reconstruction allows us to combine image-based and geometry-based information sources. The image information is akin to stereo and shape-from-shading, while the geometric information may…
Building and Using Scene Repesentations In Image Understanding
The analysis side is the processing of sensory data for such tasks as recognition and navigation, and a number of techniques are discussed here for dealing with these two-, three-,…
Stereo Matching By Hierarchical, Microcanonical Annealing
An improved stochastic stereo-matching algorithm incorporates two substantial modifications to an earlier version: a new variation of simulated annealing.
Hierarchical Warp Stereo
This paper describes a new technique for use in the automatic production of digital terrain models from stereo pairs of aerial images.
A Stochastic Approach To Stereo Vision
A stochastic optimization approach to stereo matching is presented. The approach provides a dense array of disparities, eliminating the need for interpolation.
Evaluation Of Stereosys Vs. Other Stereo Systems
SRI International is implementing a complete, state-of the-art stereo system that will produce dense three-dimensional (3D) data from stereo pairs of intensity images. This system forms a framework for much…
Description Of SRI’s Baseline Stereo System
We are implementing a baseline system for automated area-based stereo compilation.
Goal-Directed Textured-Image Segmentation
This report concentrates on textured-image segmentation using local texture-energy measures and user-delimited training regions. The SLICE algorithm combines knowledge of target textures or signatures with knowledge of background textures by…
A Fast Surface Interpolation Technique
A method for interpolating a surface through 3-D data is presented. The method is computationally efficient and general enough to allow the construction of surfaces with either smooth or rough…
Evaluation Of Scene-Analysis Algorithms
A software evaluation methodology has been developed at SRI International for evaluating contributions to the ARPA/DMA Image Understanding Testbed. This paper describes the criteria that have shaped the evaluation methodology.