Multi-modal data analytics publications
Wide Area Active Collaborative Tracking of Waterborne Vessels
We describe a real-time wide area surveillance system (WA-ACTV) for the automatic tracking of vessels using a network of PTZ cameras.
Video Synchronization and Its Application to Object Transfer
We trade some generality in estimating and aligning camera motion for reduced computational complexity and increased image-based nature.
Automatic Blood Vessel Localization in Small Field of View Eye Images
We present an automatic technique for localizing vessels in small field of view images using multi-scale matched filters. We also estimate local vessel properties - width and orientation - along…
Automatic Food Documentation and Volume Computation Using Digital Imaging and Electronic Transmission
Improving methodology even modestly would advance our knowledge about the influence of food intake on health.
Realizing Adaptive Instruction (Ad-In): the Convergence of Learning, Instruction, and Assessment
In this paper, we define adaptive instruction, or Ad-In, as applied to sophisticated skills development systems that target learning and assessment in a highly individualized and interactive manner.
Bottom-Up/Top-Down Image Parsing with Attribute Grammar
We present a simple attribute graph grammar as a generative representation for made-made scenes and studies an effective top-down/bottom-up inference algorithm for parsing images in the process of maximizing a…
Deciding Entailment and Contradiction with Stochastic and Edit Distance-based Alignment.
We use typed dependency graphs generated by the Stanford parser (Klein and Manning, 2003; de Marneffe et al., 2006), which contain a node for each word and labeled edges representing…
CenSurE: Center Surround Extremas for Realtime Feature Detection and Matching
We explore the suitability of different feature detectors for the task of image registration, and in particular for visual odometry, using two criteria: stability and accuracy.
Fostering Collaboration with a Semantic Index over Textual Contributions
We are exploring new approaches to facilitating effective collaboration that remove or reduce common barriers and that exploit opportunities to encourage more effective collaboration, including transcending the cognitive biases of…
PHERL: an Emerging Representation Language for Patterns, Hypotheses, and Evidence
We are developing PHERL, an interchange language for link analysis tools, which is designed to support the sharing of patterns and hypotheses (e.g., pattern-match results).
Activity Recognition and Abnormality Detection with the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov model
We introduce the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Model (S-HSMM), a two-layered extension of the hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) for the modeling task.
Lightweight solutions for user interfaces over the WWW
We present some lightweight tools that have been essential in producing applications with complex interactive interfaces.