Computer vision publications
Weapon Identification Across Varying Acoustic Conditions Using an Exemplar Embedding Approach
In this paper we present a first study of using an exemplar embedding approach to automatically detect and classify firearm type across different recording conditions.
Wide Area Active Collaborative Tracking of Waterborne Vessels
We describe a real-time wide area surveillance system (WA-ACTV) for the automatic tracking of vessels using a network of PTZ cameras.
Lidar-Based Door and Stair Detection from a Mobile Robot
We present an on-the-move LIDAR-based object detection system for autonomous and semi-autonomous unmanned vehicle systems.
Implementing Real-Time Imaging Systems Using the Sarnoff Acadia II Vision Processor
This paper will describe how to best use the power of the Acadia® II as both an all-in-one image processor and as a general purpose computer for performing other critical…
Remediation of Facial Emotion Recognition in Schizophrenia: Functional Predictors, Generalisability, and Concomitant Visual Scanning of Novel Face Stimuli
This study investigated whether improved recognition generalizes to novel faces, training effects are durable over 1 month, and baseline functioning levels predict the extent of improvement.
Special Issue on Embedded Vision
Automatic Blood Vessel Localization in Small Field of View Eye Images
We present an automatic technique for localizing vessels in small field of view images using multi-scale matched filters. We also estimate local vessel properties - width and orientation - along…
Video Synchronization and Its Application to Object Transfer
We trade some generality in estimating and aligning camera motion for reduced computational complexity and increased image-based nature.
Quantitative Comparison of Metrics for Change Detection in Video Patrolling Applications
This paper provides a comprehensive quantitative comparison of metrics for detecting visual anomalies between two videos that are recorded along same path but at different times by a camera on…
Multicamera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Shape and Motion Cues
We present a completely automatic algorithm for initializing and tracking the articulated motion of humans using image sequences obtained from multiple cameras.
Multiple-Target Tracking Via Kinematics, Shape, and Appearance-Based Data Association
This paper presents a real time system for tracking multiple ground moving targets in aerial video.
Target Tracking with Incomplete Detection
In this paper, we address the multiple target tracking problem as a maximum a posteriori problem.