Cyber & formal methods publications
Fast Symbolic Evaluation of C/C++ Preprocessing Using Conditional Values
We present a new approach for symbolic evaluation that can efficiently compute these conditions by binding variables to conditional values and avoiding the path feasibility analysis of traditional symbolic evaluation.
Automatic Generation of Compact Programs and Virtual Machines for Scheme
We use a combination of techniques to automatically generate new instructions and new compact encodings for virtual instructions.
Multimodal Interfaces for Internet
In this paper, we present a Java-enabled application with a multimodal (pen and voice) interface over the web. Our implementation approach was to add Java to the set of languages…
An Efficient Probabilistic Context-Free Parsing Algorithm that Computes Prefix Probabilities
We describe an extension of Earley's parser for stochastic context-free grammars that computes quantities given a stochastic context-free grammar and an input string.
Ziplock Snakes
We propose a snake-based approach that lets a user specify only the distant endpoints of the curve he wishes to delineate without having to supply an almost complete polygonal approximation.
Automated Theorem-Proving Research In The Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project: Model Generation Theorem Provers
MGTPs have solved previously open problems in finite algebra, produced rapid proofs of condensed detachment problems, and are providing an inferential infrastructure for knowledge-processing research at ICOT. This paper describes…
Caching and Lemmaizing In Model Elimination Theorem Provers
In this paper we report on work done to modify a model elimination theorem prover using two techniques, caching and lemmaizing, that have reduced by more than an order of…
Resolution for Epistemic Logics
In this paper we report on a resolution proof method for logics of belief that is suitable for automatic reasoning in commonsense domains.
Hierarchic Autoepistemic Theories For Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Preliminary Report
We propose a method of nonmonotonic reasoning in which the notion of inference from specific bodies of evidence plays a fundamental role. The formalization is based on autoepistemic logic, but…
Abduction Vs. Closure In Causal Theories
Starting with a causal theory, explanations can be generated either by abductive reasoning, or by adding closure axioms and minimizing causation within a deductive framework. The latter method is strictly…
Backwards Phonology
This paper makes "reversibility" explicit and demonstrates by means of examples from Tunica and Klamath that two-level phonology does have certain desirable capabilities that are not found in grammars of…
Concepts Of Information: Comparative Axiomatics
There is much talk about this being the Age of Information and about a Post-Industrial Revolution centered on information processing. But what exactly is information?