Cyber & formal methods publications
Automated Reasoning, Fast and Slow
We present some tentative and preliminary speculation on the prospects for automated reasoning in the style of System 1, and the synergy with the more traditional System 2 strand of…
Are All Types of Internet Voting Unsafe?
IEEE, like many other professional organizations, uses a third-party vendor to conduct elections over the Internet to elect its leaders.
Android Provenance: Diagnosing Device Disorders
We propose operating system auditing and data provenance tracking as mechanisms for generating useful traces of system activity and information flow on mobile devices.
Declaratively Processing Provenance Metadata
We propose a simple declarative language for processing provenance metadata and evaluate it by translating filters implemented in SPADE [9], an open-source provenance collection platform.
Midbrain-Driven Emotion and Reward Processing in Alcoholism
Enhanced midbrain activation to alcohol-related words suggests neuroadaptation of dopaminergic midbrain systems. We speculate that such tuning is normally associated with behavioral conditioning to optimize responses but here contributed to…
Computing Minimal Nutrient Sets from Metabolic Networks Via Linear Constraint Solving
We present a method for computationally determining alternative growth media for an organism based on its metabolic network and transporter complement.
Cross-Platform Provenance
Since 2006, a community of two dozen research groups interested in data annotation, derivation, and provenance have met regularly "to understand the capabilities of different provenance systems and the expressiveness…
Crossing the Valley of Death: Transitioning Cybersecurity Research into Practice
This article presents an R&D execution model to increase the success rate of technology transition along with several examples of successful technology transition from the US Department of Homeland Security…
Maximizing Availability of Content in Disruptive Environments by Cross-Layer Optimization
Inspired by delay- and disruption-tolerant networking, this paper presents a distributed cross-layer monitoring and optimization method for secure content delivery as a first step toward decentralized content-based mobile ad hoc…
Compound Ranking Based on a New Mathematical Measure of Effectiveness Using Time Course Data from Cell-Based Assays
This article proposes a new approach to measure drug effectiveness, which allows ranking compounds according to their toxic effects on live cells.
More Sight on Foresight
Reflecting on elections, natural disasters, and the future.
Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases in Logic Programming
We describe the axiomatic content of a biology knowledge base that poses both theoretical and empirical challenges for knowledge intensive reasoning.