Cyber & formal methods publications
Achieving Resilience of Heterogeneous Networks Through Predictive, Formal Analysis
We design and implement a "what-if" analysis methodology using formal methods. Our methodology analyzes the impact of failures and changes in heterogeneous networks on QoS of flows.
Learning by Demonstration for a Collaborative Planning Environment
We describe the deployment of a learning by demonstration capability to support user creation of automated procedures in a collaborative planning environment that is used widely by the U.S. Army.
Honeynet Games: a Game Theoretic Approach to Defending Network Monitors
We formalize the problem of defending honeynets from systematic mapping (a serious threat to their viability) as a simple two-person game.
Ontologies and Tools for Analysing and Composing Simulation Confederations for the Training and Testing Domains
We describe a complementary approach that uses Web Ontology Language and Semantic Web Rule Language to capture information about the roles and capabilities required to complete a task, and the…
Applying a Reusable Election Threat Model at the County Level
A Mechanical Verification of the Stressing Algorithm for Negative Cost Cycle Detection in Networks
We present a novel proof of the Stressing algorithm and its verification using the Prototype Verification System (PVS) theorem prover.
Policy-Based Integration of Provenance Metadata
We use an architecture where aggregation, fusion, and composition policies define how provenance records can be automatically merged to facilitate the analysis and reproducibility of experiments.
Simcheck: a Contract Type System for Simulink
We provide a contract-based type system of Simulink with annotations and dimensions/units associated with ports and links.
A Simple Tunable Method for Profile Control – Least-Squares Configuration
We describe in this paper a simple alternative, the least-squares (LS) configuration, which employs an intuitive post-compensator, and retains the easy-to-tune decoupling control feature.
Synthesis of Loop-Free Programs
We present experimental results that show that our tool Brahma can efficiently synthesize highly nontrivial 10-20 line loop-free bit vector programs.
Dynamic LDPC Codes for Nanoscale Memory with Varying Fault Arrival Rates
In this paper, we propose using a special variant of low-density parity codes (LDPCs) - Euclidean Geometry LDPC (EG-LDPC) codes - to enable dynamic changes in the level of fault…
The Mechanical Verification of a DPLL-Based Satisfiability Solver
We use the Prototype Verification System (PVS) to verify a satisfiability procedure based on the Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland (DPLL) scheme.