Digital learning publications
The Nature And Future Of Classroom Connectivity: The Dialectics Of Mathematics In The Social Space
This paper is about a specific instance of the interaction and coevolution of design, technological affordance, and cognitive theory. The idea is that next generation networking can better support or…
CILT2000: Ubiquitous Computing‚ Spanning the Digital Divide
This paper discusses the role of ubiquitous and handheld computers in education.
To Unlock The Learning Value Of Wireless Mobile Devices, Understand Coupling
We articulate three coupling issues: (1) Curricular Activity Spaces versus Personal Learning Connections (2) Integrated vs. Synchronized Educational Databases (3) Broad vs. Narrow Technological Mediation of Discourse.
Technologies For Student-Generated Work In A Peer-Led, Peer-Review Instructional Environment
Palm Education Pioneers Program: Final Evaluation Report
CTL is administering and evaluating the program, and CTL’s research will help determine the impact that handheld technologies can have on teaching and learning.
Evaluation Of Technology-Based Nutrition Program Meals Matter
A survey was administered to gauge to a sample of potential users of Meals Matter in the target population of adult homemakers.
Handhelds In K-12: Reports From Palm Education Pioneer Research Hubs Introduction
The Design Of Software For Teaching Rate Of Change In Middle School
Innovating The Use Of Handheld Technology In K-12 Teaching And Learning: Results From The Palm Education Pioneers Program
Survey Of International Investment In Education Technology Research And Development
School Change with Technology: Crossing the Digital Divide
In this article, we explore the process of school change documenting the school and community efforts to close the technical, cultural, and structural dimensions of the digital divide.
Integrating Palm Technology Into WISE Inquiry Curriculum: Two School District Partnerships
We describe a program of research to explore how Palm Pilot technology can facilitate inquiry activities in K-12 science and mathematics curriculum.