Digital learning publications
Issues for Equity in Research and Evaluation of Educational Technology
Community Technology Centers Case Study Report: Learning With Technology In Six Communities
The gap in educational outcomes between low-income and middle-income students and between white and nonwhite students in America is receiving renewed attention among our nation’s educators and policy-makers.
The Organization Of Learning In Community Technology Centers: Learning With Technology In Six Communities
The growing gap in achievement between low- and middle-income students in the past decade and a widening opportunity gap in the workforce have coincided with the broad social and economic…
E-Desk: A Review Of Recent Evidence On The Effectiveness Of Discrete Educational Software
This article explores the effectiveness of a computer-based spatial learning strategy approach for improving reading comprehension and writing.
Silicon Valley Challenge 2000: Year 5 Multimedia Project Report
SRI International’s evaluation report for Year 5, the 1999-2000 school year, traces the ongoing progress of the MMP in meeting its goals.
Towards A Coherent On-Line Collection Of Tools For Math Learning
We present five lines of triangulating data that help us understand what middle school math teachers want. Finally, we discuss the results and implications for the future contributions JOMA authors…
Review Of On-Line Learning Practices
Mobile Wireless Devices In Mathematics Education
Do Technology Investments Pay Off? The Evidence Is In!
In a 5-year evaluation of the $6.6 million Challenge 2000 Multimedia Project, technology-using students surpassed nonparticipating peers in developing critical 21st-century job skills.
Students Collaborating With Computer Models And Physical Experiments
This study examines the actions and discourse of students in a chemistry laboratory course as they interact with available social and material resources.
Technology Design As Educational Research: Interweaving Imagination, Inquiry & Impact
New models of the research projects that include technology design are needed that draw upon the idealistic potential of technology, but engage with the practical problems of educational reform in…
Assessing The Impact Of A Large-Scale Online Teacher Professional Development Community
In this paper, we review data collected from a survey that was recently sent to the educators in the community. Specifically, we examine how experiences in TAPPED IN affect teaching…