Digital learning publications
Students Collaborating With Computer Models And Physical Experiments
This study examines the actions and discourse of students in a chemistry laboratory course as they interact with available social and material resources.
Technology Design As Educational Research: Interweaving Imagination, Inquiry & Impact
New models of the research projects that include technology design are needed that draw upon the idealistic potential of technology, but engage with the practical problems of educational reform in…
Assessing The Impact Of A Large-Scale Online Teacher Professional Development Community
In this paper, we review data collected from a survey that was recently sent to the educators in the community. Specifically, we examine how experiences in TAPPED IN affect teaching…
Community Technology Centers Program Findings Summary: A Review Of Fy99 Grantees’ Annual Performance Report
This report describes the results of a review of annual performance reports submitted by the FY99 grantees to the U.S. Department of Education on progress made toward the accomplishment of…
Technology Supports For Student Participation In Science Investigations
The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program was established to bring Gore’s vision to fruition three years later.
The Online Course Experience: Evaluation Of The Virtual High School’s Third Year Of Implementation
The Virtual High School (VHS) is a consortium of high schools that offer network-based courses taught by consortium teachers for students in participating schools. The VHS teachers, with the help…
The Online Evaluation Resource Library: Using Web-Based Technology To Enhance Evaluation Practice
Breaking The Mold: Technology-Based Science Assessment In The 21st Century
This article will focus solely on how technology is changing the world of educational testing.
Design And Pilot Of A Web-Based Assessment Of Environmental Awareness And Problem Solving Using Data
Educational Software Components Of Tomorrow
In this paper, we report some of the early results from our testbed for developing interoperable components for middle school mathematics, as well as some of the difficult challenges that…
Foreward to The Components of Online Education
Foreward to Book — B. Henderson, The Components of Online Education, Published by Centre for the Study of Co-operatives University of Saskatchewan.
Forward For The Components On Online Education