Digital learning publications
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools – Student Survey, Spring 2013
This survey instrument was developed by SRI Education as part of the Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools – Teacher Survey, Spring 2013
This survey instrument was developed by SRI Education as part of the Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Learning Registry: Applying Social Metadata for Learning Resource Recommendations
The Learning Registry makes it possible for disparate sources to publish learning resource social/attention metadata—data about users of and activity around resources.
Digital Games, Design, and Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Brief)
The present meta-analysis synthesized research on digital games to systematically examine their efficacy for learning. We focused on research published between 2000 and 2012 in light of the dramatic evolution…
Learning Online: What Research Tells Us About Whether, When and How
The book describes available research about how best to implement different forms of online learning for specific kinds of students, subject areas, and contexts.
Digital Games, Design, and Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Executive Summary)
We synthesize comparisons of game conditions versus non-game conditions (i.e., media comparisons) as well as comparisons of augmented game designs versus equivalent standard game designs (i.e., value-added comparisons).
Intelligent Learning Technologies: Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Contemporary and Emerging Educational Challenges
Intelligent Learning Technologies Part 2: Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Contemporary and Emerging Educational Challenges
The issue concludes with an article summarizing the contemporary and emerging challenges at the intersection of AI and education.
Evaluation of the First Year of the Oakland Blended Learning Pilot
With support from RFF, OUSD, and other external assistance providers, the goal of the pilot is to support teachers in Oakland schools as they worked to personalize learning through the…
Preschool Teachers Can Use a PBS KIDS Transmedia Curriculum Supplement to Support Young Children’s Mathematics Learning: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
This report presents results from the Ready To Learn Prekindergarten Transmedia Mathematics Study. Researchers found that preschool children who experienced a PBS KIDS Transmedia Math Supplement developed essential early mathematics…
Classroom Orchestration: Synthesis
The present collection of papers on orchestration highlights broad agreement that classrooms are variable and complex and that teachers have an important role in adapting materials for use in their…
Cornerstone Mathematics: Designing Digital Technology for Teacher Adaptation and Scaling
We report the results of a design-based research project in England that embeds digital technology. We report how the features of the innovation—particularly its technological infrastructure—could be leveraged, not only…