Digital learning publications
Sustainable Use of Dynamic Representational Environments: Toward a District-Wide Adoption of SimCalc-Based Materials
In this chapter, we will discuss pilot research in our multiyear effort aimed at aiding a large, urban school district in the state of Florida to adopt SimCalc MathWorlds® as a…
Supporting K-12 Students in Online Learning: A Review of Online Algebra I Courses
The purpose of this report is to provide objective information about the online Algebra I courses available on the market today.
Education & Learning: PreK-3 Professional Development
This evaluation brief describes professional development in McKnight’s grantee school sites, highlighting the benefits and challenges while offering recommendations for expanding and improving development opportunities for educators.
The Effectiveness of Online and Blended Learning: A Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Literature
Now that web-based learning has emerged as a major trend in both K–12 and higher education, the relative efficacy of online and face-to-face instruction needs to be revisited.
Conversation About SimCalc, Its Evolution and Lessons Along the Way
We use SimCalc’s history and achievements to discuss the need for vision and long time frames in funding, and point to multiple levels of research entailed in the process of…
Latent Profiles of Problem Behavior within Learning, Peer, and Teacher Contexts: Identifying Subgroups of Children at Academic Risk across the Preschool Year
Employing a developmental and ecological model, the study identified initial levels and rates of change in academic skills for subgroups of preschool children exhibiting problem behavior within routine classroom situations.
Mathematics Teaching Practices with Technology That Support Conceptual Understanding for Latino/a Students
We analyze how three seventh grade mathematics teachers from a majority Latino/a, linguistically diverse region of Texas taught the same lesson.
Towards Networked Knowledge: The Learning Registry, an Infrastructure for Sharing Online Learning Resources. Educational Technology
Authors describe an open-source, open-data digital infrastructure for sharing information about open educational resources (OERs) across disparate systems and platforms.
Innovation Abroad, Insight at Home
2012 Context Study of the Use of Technology and PBS KIDS Transmedia in the Home Environment: A Report to the CPB-PBS “Ready to Learn Initiative”
The evaluation is focused on documenting and, whenever possible, measuring the impact of transmedia mathematics and literacy resources on learning for children from low-income families in preschool, community, or home…
2012 Preschool Pilot Study of PBS KIDS Transmedia Mathematics Content: A Report to the CPB-PBS “Ready to Learn Initiative”
Over the course of a 10-week CPB-PBS Ready To Learn pilot study of two mathematics curriculum supplements, one rich in PBS transmedia and hands-on activities, the other using only traditional…
“Ready To Learn” Transmedia Demonstration Station Study: A Report to the CPB-PBS “Ready to Learn Initiative”
The purpose of this context study is to understand better how national and local public media organizations with their local partners are implementing educational outreach activities in communities across the…