Digital learning publications
“Ready To Learn” Transmedia Demonstration Station Study: A Report to the CPB-PBS “Ready to Learn Initiative”
The purpose of this context study is to understand better how national and local public media organizations with their local partners are implementing educational outreach activities in communities across the…
The Learning Registry: Building a Foundation for Learning Resource Analytics
We describe our experimentation with the current implementation of a distribution system used to share descriptive and social metadata about learning resources.
Understanding the Implications of Online Learning for Educational Productivity
The purpose of this report is to support educational administrators and policymakers in becoming informed consumers of information about online learning and its potential impact on educational productivity.
Examining Teachers’ Instructional Moves Aimed at Developing Students’ Ideas and Questions in Learner-Centered Science Classrooms
We examined teachers’ instructional moves to elicit and develop students’ ideas and questions as they orchestrated discourse with their fifth grade students during a learner-centered environmental biology unit.
Innovative Teaching and Learning Research: 2011 Findings and Implications
Partnership Research for Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
SRI researchers are conducting case studies of how such partnerships are established and sustained.
Supplementing Literacy Instruction with a Media-Rich Intervention: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
This study investigates whether a curriculum supplement organized as a sequence of teacher-led literacy activities using digital content from public educational television programs can improve early literacy outcomes of low-income…
Exploring Differences in Online Professional Development Seminars with the Community of Inquiry Framework
After the seminars, an analysis using the community of inquiry framework was conducted to better understand what occurred in the dialogue of the seminars to understand whether patterns of facilitator…
Aprendiendo con las cuatro pantallas. En La Sociedad de las Cuatro Pantallas, Una mirada latinoamericana
El propósito de este ensayo es discutir cómo hacer valer las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la enseñanza a la luz de los avances en la…
Implementing Online Learning Labs in Schools and Districts
Investigating Collaborative Innovation in a Virtual World Task
In this paper we introduce a framework of innovation based on behaviours identified as being conducive to collaborative innovation. We also report on a study of a task designed to…
Eight Issues for Learning Scientists About Education and the Economy
This article seeks both to problematize conventional wisdom about links between learning sciences research and economic growth and to suggest possible directions for future research aimed at discovering stronger links.