Early childhood learning and development publications
Quality measurement in early childhood settings
What constitutes quality in early childhood settings, and how can it best be measured with today’s widely used tools and promising new approaches?
Ready Schools Miami: A Systems Change Effort to Improve Children’s Outcomes (Year 3 Evaluation)
Ready Schools is a radical systems change effort to improve the academic, health, and social outcomes of historically underserved children in one of this country’s largest and most diverse communities,…
Behavior Problems in Learning Activities and Social Interactions in Head Start Classrooms and Early Reading, Mathematics, and Approaches to Learning
Early problem behavior in structured learning activities consistently predicted lower academic outcomes (early reading and mathematics ability) as well as lower motivation, attention, and persistence in academically focused tasks.
Ready Schools Miami: Year 2 Evaluation Findings
Since receiving support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in 2007, Ready Schools partners have made significant progress toward improving the systems in Miami-Dade. This report presents findings of the second…
The National Behavior Research Coordination Center: Coordinating Research and Implementation of Evidence-Based School Interventions for Children with Serious Behavior Problems
The U.S. Department of Education funded four Behavior Research Centers, each to test the efficacy of a separate intervention to improve the behavior of elementary school students with or at…
What Works, What We Think Works, and How It Can Work for You
This session will first provide an overview of our understanding of the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) standards of evidence for determining the rigor and quality of research studies, and we…
Early Implementation of Ready Schools Miami: Findings of the First-Year Evaluation
In only a year, Ready Schools partners have made significant progress toward improving the systems in Miami-Dade County that contribute to school readiness and success—early care, education, health and family…
An Unfinished Canvas: A Review of Large-Scale Assessment in K-12 Arts Education
This paper provides a review of the status of large-scale arts assessments and current practice in statewide arts assessment for the purpose of K–12 education accountability.
An Unfinished Canvas: Allocating Funding and Instructional Time for Elementary Arts Education
The study’s aim is to provide California policy-makers and educators with examples and lessons from other jurisdictions that have been more successful in providing all students with access to arts…
Is Alignment Enough? Investigating the Effects of State Policies and Professional Development on Science Curriculum Implementation
This paper focuses on teachers’ perceptions of curricular alignment and on curriculum implementation using empirical data from a statewide systemic inquiry science reform effort targeting students from kindergarten to eighth…
San Francisco Bay Area KIPP Schools, A Study of Early Implementation and Achievement: Final Report
This report describes the implementation and impact of the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) in five Bay Area middle schools.
Sharing Best Practices In Youth Development