Education & learning publications
Shining a Light on Algebra I Access and Success: Embracing Equity at All Levels
This REL Appalachia blog summarizes a recent IES report, examining Algebra I course taking pathways and outcomes based on students’ performance on Virginia’s grade 5 statewide math test.
Using Arkansas’ Administrative Data to Inform Suspension & Expulsion Prevention Policy Implementation
This report summarizes the existing administrative data infrastructure and recommendations for the Arkansas Suspension and Expulsion Work Group with the next steps to support better use of administrative data.
Study of the Engage New England Initiative Cross-Site Learning Brief 3: Improving Instructional Systems
This brief examines the efforts of schools participating in the Barr Foundation’s Engage New England Initiative to improve the instructional systems for students who are off track to graduate high…
Early Childhood Integrated Data Analytic Self-Assessment Rubric
The ECIDS toolkit has seven components and is useful as a self-assessment tool and roadmap for improving ECIDS.
Dropout prevention in the time of COVID-19
As school closures due to COVID-19 separate students from structured routines and educational supports, the number of disengaged students may continue to grow.
Racial Differences in Special Education Identification and Placement: Evidence Across Three States
In this article, Todd Grindal, Laura Schifter, Gabriel Schwartz, and Thomas Hehir examine race/ethnicity differences in students’ special education identification and subsequent placement in segregated educational settings.
How Measuring Your Preschool Child Outcomes Data Quality Can Lead to Data Use for Better Results
In this workshop, national early childhood technical assistance providers discuss strategies and tools for states to measure and improve the quality of their preschool special education child outcomes data.
When adaptive learning is effective learning: comparison of an adaptive learning system to teacher-led instruction
Adaptive learning systems personalize instruction to students’ individual learning needs and abilities. Such systems have shown positive impacts on learning. Many schools in the United States have adopted adaptive learning…
What foundational skills matter for Algebra I success?
This study examined whether student knowledge in five domains of math assessed in grade 7 was associated with Algebra I achievement.
Strengthening the Clinical Orientation of Teacher Preparation Programs
This paper describes five levers CSU campus-district partnerships used to make clinically oriented reforms to teacher preparation as part of the New Generation of Educators Initiative (NGEI)...
Strengthening the Data Use and Continuous Improvement Capacity of Teacher Preparation Programs
This paper describes four levers that helped university-district partnerships participating in the New Generation of Educators Initiative (NGEI) use data and continuous improvement practices to execute teacher preparation reforms...
Measuring Chinese middle school students’ motivation using the Reduced Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (RIMMS): A validation study in the adaptive learning setting
This study validates a measure of student motivation, the Reduced Instructional Materials Motivation Survey, with a sample of Chinese middle school students using an adaptive learning system in math.