Education & learning publications
Toward A Learning Technologies Knowledge Network
This paper describes the rationale and operations of the NSF-funded Center, and first-year progress in defining a set of CILT partnership projects with many other institutions that came out of…
World Links Student Assessment Report, 1998-1999
Foreward to The Components of Online Education
Foreward to Book — B. Henderson, The Components of Online Education, Published by Centre for the Study of Co-operatives University of Saskatchewan.
Science In The Palm Of Their Hands
If we’re serious about having children use technology in K–12 classrooms, then we need to convince the gatekeepers of those classrooms as to the worth of the technology. Doing so…
The Probability Inquiry Environment: A Collaborative, Inquiry-Based Simulation Environment
We report on the Probability Inquiry Environment (PIE), which facilitates the development of probabilistic reasoning by making available collaborative inquiry activities and student-controlled simulations.
Trajectories From Today’s WWW To A Powerful Educational Infrastructure
Over the course of two days, the participants generated a wealth of ideas about the limitations of today’s web, its near-term trajectories, and potential educational advances. We share a summary…
Forward For The Components On Online Education
Developing Educational Software Components
Educational applications must be very flexible because curricula and teaching styles vary tremendously among institutions, locations, and even among instructors at the same institution.
“…It’s Fair Because They Each Have Two”: The Development Of A Mathematical Practice Across Two Social Contexts
They have an equal chance of landing on...tails [R types] We think the game is fair because it has an equal chance of landing on heads as it has on tails.
Cornerstones For An Online Community Of Education Professionals
Our goal is to learn how to grow a self-sustaining on-line community of education professionals that supports and enhances the professional growth of its members over the length of their…
Self-Consistency: A Novel Approach to Characterizing the Accuracy and Reliability of Point Correspondence Algorithms
We propose a methodology that estimates the accuracy and reliability of the results of any multiple-image point correspondence algorithm, without the need for ground truth or camera calibration.
Designing A Useful Evaluation Of The Comer School Development Program