Education & learning publications
Netlearning: Why Teachers Use The Internet
This book addresses the educational benefits of connecting to the Internet and shows how various educators use Internet features to support their curriculum goals.
VILTS: The Voice-Interactive Language Training System
ECHOS is a voice interactive language training system being developed to foster improvement in French comprehension and speaking skills, incorporating speech recognition and pronunciation evaluation.
Scatter/Gather Browsing Communicates The Topic Structure Of A Very Large Text Collection
Users are presented with automatically computed summaries of the contents of clusters of similar documents and provided with a method for navigating through these summaries at different levels of granularity.…
Using Information Technology For Delivering Education In The United States: A Status Report
Educational Software Architecture And Systemic Impact: The Promise Of Component Software
This report describes results from a national telephone survey that asked parents about their attitudes, beliefs, and practices related to early learning, science learning, and digital media use...
Scantron Administrator Training Guide
Connecting The Connectivity And The Component Revolutions To Deep Curriculum Reform
Building A Foundation For Information Literacy: Creating An Annotated WWW-Index By Children For Children
Programming Games For Learning About Magnetism And Electricity
Facilitating Collaborative Problem Solving With Distant Mentor
This work addresses the problem of helping learners develop concepts and skills needed to be productive in the fast-changing technical workplace. It marries the kind of informal, on-demand learning preferred…
Mentors In The Classroom: Bringing The World Outside In
Designing For Cognitive Communication: Epistemic Fidelity Or Mediating Collaborating Inquiry
aps between worldviews prevent students from interpreting displays literally, and thus limit the extent to which communication can be achieved by representing knowledge accurately. Hence, rather than merely representing mental…