Education & learning publications
Study of the Engage New England initiative cross-site learning brief 1
This brief is designed to benefit all three cohorts of ENE grantees as they plan and build their schools and to highlight key elements of planning for innovative school models.
Integrating urban schools: Roadblocks and challenges with the use of magnet schools
This study utilized data from a large urban district with more than 100 magnet schools to assess integration from magnet schools in a modern context.
Seeing Is Believing: Peer Video Coaching as Professional Development Done With Me and for Me
After the conclusion of the course, participants were contacted and presented with a summary of four benefits of the peer video review process, as identified in a recent professional article.
Participant Experiences and Financial Impacts: Findings from Year 2 of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative
This report presents findings from Achieving the Dream’s Open Education Resources (OER) Degree Initiative, which helps colleges reduce the financial burden on students and improve curriculum and pedagogy by developing…
Pursuing the Vision of CS for All: Views from the Front Lines
Headlines in the popular press characterize computer science education initiatives as strictly top-down private sector efforts to get public schools to prepare their future workforce.
Supporting Spanish–English Bilingual Language Development Among Latinx Dual Language Learners in early learning settings
The present mixed methods study examined the role of instructional and contextual factors in promoting English and Spanish language development among Latinx preschoolers.
Development of a biodosimeter for radiation triage using novel blood protein biomarker panels in humans and non-human primates
We are developing a rapid screening method to assess whether an individual received an absorbed dose of ≥2 Gy based on the analysis of a specific panel of blood proteins in…
A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Attending an Inclusive STEM high school: The case for using two comparison groups
Inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) combine rich STEM course offerings and experiences with an explicit mission to serve students from under-represented groups accepted on the basis of interest rather than…
Increasing science literacy in early childhood: The connection between home and school. American Educator. American Federation of Teachers
Turning everyday activities such as baking into scientific activities is more than just fun: it is important for our children’s futures
Individualized Education Programs for English Learners With Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Educators and family members who participate in IEP meetings for English learners with significant cognitive disabilities can use this brief to plan for quality meetings and successful school experiences for…
Lifewide or School-Only Learning: Approaches to Addressing the Developing World’s Learning Crisis
This cluster randomized controlled trial tested the impact of school-only and lifewide-learning (LWL) approaches to supporting early-grade learning over 2 years in rural Rwanda.
Linked Learning San Bernardino (LLSB): Accelerating College and Career Readiness in Low-Performing Schools
This technical report provides an independent evaluation examining both the program implementation and the impact of the program on students’ cognitive and noncognitive outcomes.