Education & learning publications
Can low-Cost online summer math programs improve student preparation for college-level math? Evidence from randomized experiments at three universities
We conducted randomized experiments of low-cost online summer math programs to test whether this type of intervention can increase access to math preparation, improve placement and enrollment in fall math…
Evaluation of Rocketship Students’ Middle School Outcomes
Rocketship Education is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose mission is to eliminate the achievement gap by building a scalable and sustainable school model that propels student achievement in underserved communities…
Case studies of the early implementation of Kindergarten Entry Assessments
This report presents findings from a descriptive study that examined the development and early implementation of Kindergarten Entry Assessments (KEAs) in 12 districts across four Race To the Top-Early Learning…
Evaluation of World Bicycle Relief’s Bicycles for Educational Empowerment Program: South Africa Opportunity Study
The purpose of this “opportunity study” was to identify the opportunity that bicycles could offer to rural South African schoolchildren; the critical factors that support and hinder implementation; and suggestions…
Improving early literacy in PreK–3: Lessons learned (August 2016)
The Pathway Schools Initiative aims to dramatically increase the number of students who reach the critical milestone of grade 3 reading proficiency, an indicator predictive of later academic outcomes and…
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation-Learning Brief 2 (July 2016)
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation (DE) led by SRI International and Child Trends.
Interactive online learning on campus: Comparing students’ outcomes in hybrid and traditional courses in the university system of Maryland
We studied the impacts on learning outcomes of hybrid courses redesigned using online materials from MOOCs created on the Coursera platform and digital materials created by the Open Learning Initiative…
Promising approaches to broadening youth participation in STEM
The National Science Foundation (NSF) views broadening participation in the nation’s STEM enterprise as vitally linked to the United States’ capacity for innovation.
Spoken Interaction Modeling for Automatic Assessment of Collaborative Learning
This study investigates whether automatic audio- based monitoring of interactions can predict collaboration quality.
Engaging teachers in supporting next generation STEM learning
To accelerate dissemination of educator learning models in ITEST projects, the ITEST program has called for reflection on best practices and lessons learned. In this paper, we take a closer…
Constructing Assessment Tasks that Blend Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, and Science Practices for Classroom Formative Applications
In this paper we describe how we use principles of evidence-centered design to develop classroom-based science assessments that integrate three dimensions of science proficiency.
Findings for Itasca County: Evaluation of Minnesota’s Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge Access Strategies: Scholarships and Title I PreK Incentives summary for Years 1–3
This report provides a brief summary of evaluation findings about the implementation and impacts of the Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) Scholarships and Title I PreK…