Education & learning publications
21st Century Science Assessment: The Future Is Now – Executive Summary
In this paper, Jim Pellegrino of the University of Illinois at Chicago presents a vision for a balanced and coordinated system of STEM assessments that work together, and with curriculum…
Measuring the Quantity and Quality of the K-12 STEM Teacher Pipeline – Executive Summary
Together, these papers can guide policymakers, researchers, and educators through the potential implications and implementation of the STEM education indicator system.
Classroom trials: A study of instruction with writing software
This was a descriptive study on how secondary teachers implementing the Common Core State Standards for literacy used writing software to facilitate their instruction.
Vocational Education Course Taking and Post-High School Employment of Youth with Emotional Disturbances
Data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study–2 (NLTS2) were used to examine the patterns of career and technical education (CTE) course taking in high school by students receiving special education…
Using Indicator Data to Drive K–12 STEM Improvements in States and Districts: Implications and Recommendations for Leaders and Policymakers
In this paper, Michael Lach of the University of Chicago details how district and state education leaders might use the indicator system to improve STEM education.
Using Indicator Data to Drive K–12 STEM Improvements in States and Districts: Implications and Recommendations for Leaders and Policymakers – Executive Summary
In this paper, Michael Lach of the University of Chicago details how district and state education leaders might use the indicator system to improve STEM education.
21st Century Science Assessment: The Future Is Now
SRI Education recruited three education policy experts to contributed concept papers that explore the research and policy implications of the STEM indicators system.
Measuring the Quantity and Quality of the K-12 STEM Teacher Pipeline
SRI Education recruited three education policy experts to contribute concept papers that explore the research and policy implications of the STEM indicators system.
Handbook on Personalized Learning for States, Districts, and Schools
Chapters in this new Handbook reflect the personalized learning goals of ESSA and reflect the view of personalized learning as a learning innovation.
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation-Learning Brief 1 (January 2016)
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation (DE) led by SRI International and Child Trends.
Examining Change in K-3 Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs: The Case of Primarily Math
This study examines the impact of the Primarily Math Elementary Mathematics Specialist program on K-3 teachers’ mathematical content knowledge for teaching, attitudes toward learning mathematics, and beliefs about mathematics teaching…
Effect of Transition Planning on Postsecondary Support Receipt by Students with Disabilities
The authors of this article analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 to determine the effect of receiving transition planning education and having a transition plan that specified needed…