Education & learning publications
DynaLogue: Teacher Candidates Collaborating to Learn and Teach Proportional Reasoning
This demonstration focuses on one aspect of this hands-on curriculum, DynaLogue.
Next Generation Preschool Math Demo: Tablet Games for Preschool Classrooms
This paper describes the Next Generation Preschool Math project, a $3 million, four-year research and development initiative funded by the National Science Foundation.
Designing Early Childhood Math Games: A Research-Driven Approach
This paper describes the iterative research and development process used by the Next Generation Preschool Math project, which integrates content analysis, logic model processes, and iterative design and research approaches.
Math Growth Trajectories of Students with Disabilities: Disability Category, Gender, Racial, and Socioeconomic Status Differences from Ages 7 to 17
This study examined math growth trajectories by disability category, gender, race, and socioeconomic status using a nationally representative sample of students ages 7 to 17.
Hyperfine Interaction and Its Effects on Spin Dynamics in Organic Solids
Here we present a systematic study of the HFI and its role in organic spintronic applications.
California’s Beginning Teachers: the Bumpy Path to a Profession
This study addresses education policies that affect beginning teachers in California—induction, clear credentialing, evaluation, and tenure.
Towards an Evidence Framework for Design-Based Implementation Research
In this chapter, we compare the approach to evidence implicit in the defining features of DBIR to the prevailing evidence standards for educational research promoted by national policy.
Expanding Access to STEM-Focused Education: What Are the Effects?
Calls for broadening the population of students motivated and prepared to pursue STEM studies, with an aim ultimately to impact the country’s competitiveness, have been frequent and widespread...
Inclusive STEM High School Design: 10 Critical Components
This paper introduces a pair of relatively new research projects that focus on an innovative type of school that is quietly emerging across the U.S., Inclusive STEM-focused High Schools (ISHSs).
Cautionary Note: The Thermal Decomposition of Amino Acids in the Solid State
The Arrhenius parameters governing the pyrolysis rates for 19 amino acids in the solid state presented in the paper listed as reference 1 were developed in a dynamic TGA–DSC procedure…
The Effectiveness of Online and Blended Learning: A Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Literature
Now that web-based learning has emerged as a major trend in both K–12 and higher education, the relative efficacy of online and face-to-face instruction needs to be revisited.
The Characteristics of the O-2 Herzberg Ii and Chamberlain Bands Observed with Virtis/Venus Express
Recent observations with the VIRTIS instrument on board Venus Express allowed us to re-examine the Herzberg II system of O2 and to further study its vertical distribution, in particular the…