Education & learning publications
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: Cross Case Summary
SRI staff collaborated with CSMP leadership to identify sites within their projects that had programs or partnerships that could be used to illustrate the work of the CSMP.
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: The California Arts Project Case Study
As this case study highlights, RIMS CAP supported TVUSD in building its arts program in two main ways: (1) developing capacity in a teacher leader who persisted in moving arts…
Varenicline for Smoking Cessation: Nausea Severity and Variation in Nicotinic Receptor Genes
This study evaluated association between common and rare sequence variants in 10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit genes and the severity of nausea 21 days after initiating the standard, Food and…
Math Growth Trajectories of Students With Disabilities: Disability Category, Gender, Racial, and Socioeconomic Status Differences From Ages 7 to 17
This study examined math growth trajectories by disability category, gender, race, and socioeconomic status using a nationally representative sample of students ages 7 to 17.
Unpacking the Black Box of Engagement: Cognitive, Behavioral, and Affective Engagement in Learning Mathematics
Alternate Assessment Design-English Language Arts/Reading: Assessment Task Library
This technical report contains a description of the library of assessment tasks created by the Alternate Assessment Design—English Language Arts/Reading (AAD-ELA) project.
Preschool Classroom Behavioral Context and School Readiness Outcomes for Low-Income Children: A Multilevel Examination of Child- and Classroom-Level Influences
Guided by an ecological theoretical model, the authors used a series of multilevel models to examine associations among children’s individual problem behavior, the classroom behavioral context, and school readiness outcomes…
Characterizing disability in Head Start programs: Not so clearcut
This study used the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey data to identify subgroups of children meeting three different criteria for having a disability or developmental delay.
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: History-Social Science Project Case Study
The California History-Social Science Project (CHSSP) has maintained a focus on providing long-term, subject-specific professional development.
The Learning Registry: Building a Foundation for Learning Resource Analytics
We describe our experimentation with the current implementation of a distribution system used to share descriptive and social metadata about learning resources.
Illinois Preschool for All (PFA) Teacher Characteristics
The PFA evaluation collected information from teachers and administrators about teachers’ demographics, their preparedness to teach, their professional development needs, and their attitudes about their jobs.
The Range of Science Instructional Materials Used in a Statewide Afterschool Program
We report on our study that examined the science offerings of a publicly funded statewide afterschool program.