Education & learning publications
Getting on the Same Page using Scenario-Based Learning: An Alignment of Education and Industry Goals for Technician Education
The current report examines the alignment of a set of scenario-based learning materials with two sets of relevant industry standards.
Formative Assessment Practices to Promote Model-Based Reasoning in Earth Science
Implementing Online Learning Labs in Schools and Districts
An exploratory study to unpack the nature of teacher’s everyday innovation
Scientific Literacy In The Context Of Civic Reasoning: An Educational Design Problem
Supporting science teaching with scientists and engineers in middle school classrooms
Bienkowski, M. & Dieterle, E. (2011). Supporting science teaching with scientists and engineers in middle school classrooms. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (April), New Orleans, LA.
The Role of Context in Preschool Learning: a Multilevel Examination of the Contribution of Context-Specific Problem Behaviors and Classroom Process Quality to Low-Income Children’s Approaches to Learning
Research suggests that promoting adaptive approaches to learning early in childhood may help close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children.
Domain-specific Assessment: What Foundational Concepts and Reasoning Skills are Community College Students Learning?
The Domain-Specific Assessment project developed a set of tools and assessment items that measure students’ capacity to apply knowledge rather than simply memorize vast amounts of it.
The Design Pattern: A Blueprint for a New Domain-specific Assessment
Assessment researchers at SRI International in Menlo Park, CA, designed a prototype scenario-based assessment to measure how well college students learn the big ideas of biology and economics and how…
Focus, Fiddle, and Friends: Experiences That Transform Knowledge for the Implementation of Innovations
Focus on α4β2* and α6β2* nAChRs for Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics
Quality measurement in early childhood settings
What constitutes quality in early childhood settings, and how can it best be measured with today’s widely used tools and promising new approaches?