Education & learning publications
Using Survival Analysis to Describe Developmental Achievements of Early Intervention Recipients at Kindergarten
Survival analysis was used to document the developmental achievements of 2298 kindergarten children who participated in the National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study, a study that followed children from entry to…
Eight Issues for Learning Scientists About Education and the Economy
This article seeks both to problematize conventional wisdom about links between learning sciences research and economic growth and to suggest possible directions for future research aimed at discovering stronger links.
Investigating Collaborative Innovation in a Virtual World Task
In this paper we introduce a framework of innovation based on behaviours identified as being conducive to collaborative innovation. We also report on a study of a task designed to…
Designing Scenario-Based Assessment Items Using An Evidence-Centered Design Framework
Expanding The Model Of Item Writing Expertise: Cognitive Processes And Requisite Knowledge Structures
An understanding of test takers’ response processes and knowledge structures is used to predict the psychometric properties of the items. This same knowledge of test takers’ responses and knowledge structures…
Developing The Area Of Design-Based Implementation Research
This paper provides an overview of the background and purposes of our workshop on design-based implementation research.
Utilization of Services in a Randomized Trial Testing Phone- and Web-Based Interventions for Smoking Cessation
No prior research, to our knowledge, has systematically compared the effectiveness of these three treatment modalities in a randomized trial.
Behavior Problems in Learning Activities and Social Interactions in Head Start Classrooms and Early Reading, Mathematics, and Approaches to Learning
Early problem behavior in structured learning activities consistently predicted lower academic outcomes (early reading and mathematics ability) as well as lower motivation, attention, and persistence in academically focused tasks.
Examining Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices Over Three Enactments Of A Personally Consequential Elementary Science Unit
Implementing Evidence-Centered Design To Develop Assessments For Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Guidelines For Creating Design Patterns And Development Specifications And Exemplar Task Templates For Mathematics (Alternate Assessment Design)
Inquire for Ipad: a Biology Textbook That Answers Questions
We present Inquire: Biology, an electronic textbook that provides question-answering capability.
Inquire for iPad: Bringing Question-Answering AI into the Classroom
Biology, is a novel electronic textbook that runs on an iPad and embeds in it a rich Biology knowledge base and reasoning system.