Education & learning publications
Scaffolding Group Explanation and Feedback with Handheld Technology: Impact on Students’ Mathematics Learning
We compared group and individual feedback, using two technologies: Technology-mediated, Peer-Assisted Learning (TechPALS), and a popular desktop product, which provides feedback to individual students as they solve fractions problems individually.
Migration, Remittances, and Children’s Schooling in Haiti
The authors examine the impact of remittances on the schooling of children in various Haitian communities with a high incidence of out-migration.
The Early College High School Initiative: an Overview of Five Evaluation Years
This article will provide an overview of the key findings across 5 years of the ECHSI evaluation, in particular highlighting how participants have implemented the ECHSI's core principles.
Using Design Personas To Inform Refinements To Software For Science Learning
In this paper, we describe the process of creating personas to inform refinements to the design of software designed to help elementary students create concept maps of science topics they…
Technology and Education Change: Focus on Student Learning
This study examined technology implementation practices associated with student learning gains.
Investigating Links from Teacher Knowledge, to Classroom Practice, to Student Learning in the Instructional System of the Middle-School Mathematics Classroom
We examined relationships between teachers’ mathematics knowledge, teachers’ classroom decision making, and student achievement outcomes on topics of rate, proportionality, and linear function—three important and cognitively demanding pre-algebra topics.
Content analysis of collaboratively constructed knowledge artifacts: Issues and opportunities for research
New social media for collaborative knowledge construction, often associated with "Web 2.0," represent an emerging context for the research of learning and instruction.
Service Provider Combinations and the Delivery of Early Intervention Services to Children and Families
This study provides a framework for characterizing the delivery of early intervention services based on the combinations of service providers who work with infants and toddlers with disabilities and their…
Mathematics Reform and Teacher Quality in Elementary Grades: Assessments, Teacher Licensure, and Certification
We analyzed the gap in mathematics standards, assessments and accountability, and teacher licensure and certification requirements in mathematics for elementary grades.
Smoking Outcome By Psychiatric History After Behavioral and Varenicline Treatment
Treatment outcomes were compared across smokers enrolled in the COMPASS cessation trial with a diagnosis of PH based on medical record evidence of anxiety, depression, psychotic disorder, or bipolar disorder.
Measuring Cognition of Students with Disabilities Using Technology-Enabled Assessments: Recommendations for a National Research Agenda
This paper represents one outcome from the Invitational Research Symposium on Technology-Enabled and Universally Designed Assessments, which examined technology-enabled assessments and universal design as they relate to students with disabilities.
Study of the Austin Independent School District’s Redesign and High School Reform Initiative: Interim Report
This report describes the Austin Independent School District’s recent effort to improve its high schools through a variety of initiatives led by the Office of District Redesign.