Education & learning publications
High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: A Snapshot of High School Instruction (Part Five of a Series of Five Reports)
In this brief, we report on the results of observations conducted across all three initiatives in fall 2008 – a total of 78 classrooms in 17 high schools.
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Reading and Literature Project Case Study
We share here the story of how this partnership evolved, some of the impacts it had on the teachers and administrators involved and the students they served, and a few…
High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: Autonomous Management and Performance Schools (Part Four of a Series of Five Reports)
The Autonomous Management and Performance Schools Program (AMPS) in the Chicago Public Schools is designed to grant high-performing and/or promising schools certain academic, programmatic, and operational freedoms. In theory, AMPS…
High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: Instructional Development Systems (Part Two of a Series of Five Reports)
This report sets forth preliminary evaluative work concerning the implementation and early outcomes of the IDS initiative. We describe the successes and challenges associated with implementing the IDS initiative.
High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: Renaissance 2010 (Part Three of a Series of Five Reports)
The Renaissance 2010 initiative was established to increase the number of high-quality education options across Chicago. This report presents findings about Renaissance 2010 high schools drawn from a larger study…
Addressing The Assessment Challenge In An Online System That Tutors As It Assesses
Our hypothesis is that we can achieve more accurate assessment by not only using data on whether students get test items right or wrong, but by also using data on…
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Foreign Language Project Case Study
This case study describes a partnership between the California Foreign Language Project (CFLP) at Stanford University and the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD).
Recommended Resources For The National Defense Education Program Pre-Engineering Partnerships
This SRI International (SRI) report presents the selection criteria applied in selecting five resources for recommendation to PEP. Accompanying narrative scenarios illustrate how the resources can support S&Es who work…
InnovaTE3: Girls Innovating With Technology as Entrepreneurial Environmental Engineers
High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: An Overview (Part One of a Series of Five Reports)
For most of the past decade, the Chicago Public Schools have received significant support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to improve the performance of city high schools.
Poster: A System for Creating Assessment of Higher-Order Reasoning in Specific Undergraduate Domains
Poster presentation at the annual project manager’s meeting of the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C.
Bridging School and Home: Students’ Engagement with Technology-Rich Activities
This poster describes ongoing work that examines students use of a computer-based learning environment designed to bridge school and out-of-school learning contexts by incorporating affordances of both formal and informal…