Education & learning publications
Poster: A System for Creating Assessment of Higher-Order Reasoning in Specific Undergraduate Domains
Poster presentation at the annual project manager’s meeting of the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C.
Design patterns for assessing model-based reasoning
This report provides a set of design patterns to help assessment designers, researchers, and teachers create tasks for assessing aspects of model-based reasoning: Model Formation, Model Use, Model Elaboration, Model…
Initial Results from Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)
Advances in high latitude upper atmospheric science with the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR).
Volumetric Imaging of the Auroral Ionosphere: Initial Results from PFISR
This paper demonstrates the capabilities of PFISR for producing three-dimensional volumetric images of E-region ionization patterns produced by the aurora.
Evaluation of the Enhancing Education through Technology Program: Final Report
The purpose of this report is to provide descriptive information about educational technology practices related to the core objectives of the DOE’s Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program.
Mood, Side-Effects and Smoking Outcomes Among Persons with and Without Probable Lifetime Depression Taking Varenicline
Compare mood, prevalence and intensity of treatment side-effects, and abstinence among people with a probable history of major depression (DH+) or not (DH−) who took varenicline and received behavioral smoking…
National Evaluation of Writing Project Professional Development: Year 2 Report
We begin the year 2 report with a brief review of the conceptual framework, the design, and the sample.
What Happens When The Research Ends? Factors Related To The Sustainability Of A Research-Based Innovation
The Scaling Up SimCalc project is a multiyear longitudinal randomized experiment to test the efficacy of an intervention that integrates technology (our software, SimCalc MathWorlds) and curriculum to create opportunities…
Using Evidence Centered Design For Learning (ECDL) To Examine the ASSISTments system
We introduce a design methodology – Evidence Centered Design for Learning (ECDL) that supports the design of educational systems in terms of evidentiary arguments.
Challenges To Cross-Disciplinary Curricula: Data Literacy And Divergent Disciplinary Perspectives
In our increasingly data-driven society, data literacy is arguably an important civic skill and one that we should be developing in our students.
Using Mixed-Effects Modeling To Analyze Different Grain-Sized Skill Models In An Intelligent Tutoring System
Student modeling and cognitive diagnostic assessment are important issues that need to be addressed for the development and successful application of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). ITS needs the construction of…
Association of Tobacco Dependence and Quit Attempt Duration with Rasch-Modeled Withdrawal Sensitivity Using Retrospective Measures