Education & learning publications
Analyzing Teachers’ Professional Interactions in a School as Social Capital: a Social Network Approach
Our objective was to present and illustrate the application of social capital theory for analyzing the role of formal and informal teacher interactions in helping teachers enact changes to instruction…
Beyond Accessibility: Evidence Centered Design For Learning (Ecdl) For Improving The Efficiency Of Instruction.
This paper illustrates how Evidence Centered Design (ECD) can be used to address the accessibility of learning-centered assessments, and how such efforts lay a critical foundation for improvements in other…
Infant Sleep Characteristics in a Nationally Representative Sample: Concurrent and Prospective Relationships with Child Outcomes
Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online-Learning Studies
This finding suggests that the positive effects associated with blended learning should not be attributed to the media, per se.
Authentic Science Learning in Primary and Secondary Classrooms
Authentic science learning has gained increasing attention among educators and researchers as a promising means for promoting student achievement, interest, and motivation in science.
The Microsoft Innovative Schools Program Year 1 Evaluation Report
The Year 1 Evaluation Report is the second in a series of annual reports. It describes the schools’ progress and challenges in their first full year of participation in the…
Using Proc Report to Cross-Tabulate Multiple Response Items
A production system of SAS macro programs is described that modularize the generation of syntax to produce client quality reports of descriptive and inferential results in a PDF document.
Multiple Roles for Nicotine in Parkinson’s Disease
Extensive studies in parkinsonian animals show that nicotine protects against nigrostriatal damage, findings that may explain the well-established decline in Parkinson's disease incidence with tobacco use.
Accountability for Services for Young Children with Disabilities and the Assessment of Meaningful Outcomes: the Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist
This article describes the federal accountability requirements related to young children with disabilities and the contribution of the speech-language pathologist (SLP) to provide these data through the use of authentic,…
ITL Research Design Document
This paper describes the design of Innovative Teaching and Learning (ITL) Research, a multiyear global research program sponsored by Microsoft’s Partners in Learning.
Measuring How A College Education Lays The Foundation For “Thinking Like An Expert”
Introduction A college education has long been viewed as a way to improve students’ capacity to think critically and argue rationally. Yet cognitive psychologists and philosophers studying the development of…
Meeting the Needs of Diverse Student Populations: Findings from the Scaling Up SimCalc Project
In this paper we discuss how we leveraged the representational and communicative infrastructure of SimCalc to meet the needs of a diverse student population, while we also met the needs…