Education & learning publications
California’s Teaching Force 2008: Key Issues and Trends
This annual report examines overall trends in the California teacher workforce, including the demand for teachers, the distribution of underprepared teachers, and the implementation of a statewide data system to…
Teaching for Understanding in Earth Science: Comparing Impacts on Planning and Instruction in Three Professional Development Designs for Middle School Science Teachers
This paper compares and contrasts the impacts of three professional development designs aimed at middle school Earth science teachers on how teachers plan and enact instruction.
Early Implementation of Ready Schools Miami: Findings of the First-Year Evaluation
In only a year, Ready Schools partners have made significant progress toward improving the systems in Miami-Dade County that contribute to school readiness and success—early care, education, health and family…
Evaluation of the Texas High School Project: Study of State Context for Policy Reform Final Report, State Policy Review
The evaluation of the Texas High School Project (THSP) is being conducted by SRI International with the overarching goal of discerning the impact of THSP on student outcomes.
Designing Learning Environments
Designed for current and future teachers, professors, and administrators, the 100 chapters highlight the major topics, issues, questions, and debates faced by educators today, providing more detailed information than typical…
Using A Technology-Enhanced Curriculum To Improve The Learning Of Important Mathematics For English Language Learners
Levers For Improving Mathematics Learning In High-Poverty High Schools
Reducing behavior problems in the elementary school classroom: A practice guide
Designed for elementary school educators and school- and district-level administrators, this guide offers prevention, implementation, and schoolwide strategies that can be used to reduce problematic behavior that interferes with the…
An Unfinished Canvas: Teacher Preparation, Instruction Delivery, and Professional Development in the Arts
Among the major barriers to arts education in California that An Unfinished Canvas identified is the lack of trained and qualified arts specialist teachers, particularly at the elementary school level.
Contrasting Paths To Small School Reform: Results Of A 5-Year Evaluation Of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s National High Schools Initiative
This article focuses on two contrasting strategies to small-school reform: starting new small high schools, and converting large schools into smaller learning communities.
Is Alignment Enough? Investigating the Effects of State Policies and Professional Development on Science Curriculum Implementation
This paper focuses on teachers’ perceptions of curricular alignment and on curriculum implementation using empirical data from a statewide systemic inquiry science reform effort targeting students from kindergarten to eighth…
Development of SRI’s translation systems for broadcast news and broadcast conversations
We present our recent work on developing large-vocabulary Arabic-to-English and Chinese-to-English speech-to-text translation systems for the January 2008 Global Autonomous Language Exploitation (GALE) retest evaluation.