Education & learning publications
Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure for STEM Education
SRI convened diverse stakeholders in workshops about midscale research infrastructure for STEM education. Participants discussed challenges and opportunities for transforming our STEM education system and what infrastructure is needed to…
Maintaining Momentum of 1:1 Programs: Observations from the Apple and ConnectED Initiative
The Apple and ConnectED Initiative provides valuable lessons for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers about what it takes to sustain 1:1 programs in schools serving high concentrations of students facing socioeconomic…
Bridging the Digital Access and Use Divides in the Apple and ConnectED Initiative
This report focuses on implementation of the Apple and ConnectED Initiative with respect to the dual digital divides along socioeconomic lines in access to technology and its use in instruction.
The Apple and ConnectED Initiative: Research Study Methods
This report describes the methodology of Apple and ConnectED Research, a six-year study of the Apple and ConnectED Initiative that uses a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to tell…
Bilingual Education Across the United States
In this brief, the authors define some of the key terms in bilingual education and then provide an overview of the different state policies for the provision of bilingual education…
Addressing the Bilingual Teacher Shortage
In this brief, the authors share strategies that can help mitigate bilingual teacher shortages and provide considerations for state and district leaders who are interested in addressing these shortages.
Leveraging Flexible Teacher Certification Policies to Address the Bilingual Teacher Shortage
In this brief, the authors share strategies that state education agencies may use to provide more flexibility in teacher certification policies and thereby mitigate bilingual teacher shortages.
Research Brief: SRI Finds Positive Effects of the College, Career, and Community Writer’s Program on Student Achievement
The National Writing Project’s (NWP) College, Career, and Community Writers Program (C3WP) is designed to improve students’ argument writing through intensive teacher professional development, instructional resources, and formative assessment.
The Efficacy of Digital Media Resources in Improving Children’s Ability to Use Informational Text: An Evaluation of Molly of Denali from PBS KIDS
Two nine-week trials with a national sample of 263 first-graders examined whether free educational videos and digital games supported children’s ability to use informational text to answer real-world questions.
Innovations in Early Mathematics: Final Report
SRI evaluated the impact of teachers’ participation in a 2-year professional development (PD) intervention to improve teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and instructional practice in math across prekindergarten (preK) to third grade…
Designing Schools with and for Students: Lessons Learned from the Engage New England Initiative
This research brief identifies promising strategies for embracing student voice in school design based on the experience of Engage New England (ENE) grantees.
Early Childhood Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Experiences of Arkansas Educators
SRI International and the National Center on Children in Poverty collected information on how Arkansas early care providers are implementing state COVID-19-related guidelines and coping with the challenges related to…