Education & learning publications
An Unfinished Canvas: Teacher Preparation, Instruction Delivery, and Professional Development in the Arts
Among the major barriers to arts education in California that An Unfinished Canvas identified is the lack of trained and qualified arts specialist teachers, particularly at the elementary school level.
Contrasting Paths To Small School Reform: Results Of A 5-Year Evaluation Of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s National High Schools Initiative
This article focuses on two contrasting strategies to small-school reform: starting new small high schools, and converting large schools into smaller learning communities.
Is Alignment Enough? Investigating the Effects of State Policies and Professional Development on Science Curriculum Implementation
This paper focuses on teachers’ perceptions of curricular alignment and on curriculum implementation using empirical data from a statewide systemic inquiry science reform effort targeting students from kindergarten to eighth…
San Francisco Bay Area KIPP Schools, A Study of Early Implementation and Achievement: Final Report
This report describes the implementation and impact of the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) in five Bay Area middle schools.
The Assistment Builder: Supporting The Life-Cycle Of ITS Content Creation
We present an authoring tool designed to reduce this cost. The ASSISTment Builder is a tool that is designed to effectively create, edit, test, and deploy pseudo-tutor content. The web-based…
Poster: Using a Principled Design System to Identify Community College Outcomes
Poster presentation at the annual project manager’s meeting of the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C.
Design Rationale Within TELS Projects To Support Knowledge Integration
Impacts of students’ experimentation using a dynamic visualization on their understanding of motion
This study examines how students' experimentation with a dynamic visualization contributes to their understanding of science. We designed a week-long, technology-enhanced inquiry module on car collisions.
Scaling Up Innovative Technology-Based Mathematics
We report on the initial attempts at evaluating at scale a particular technological/ curricular innovation that enables more students to develop deeper knowledge. In particular, we present conditions and findings from a…
An Unfinished Canvas: Teacher Preparation, Instructional Delivery, and Professional Development in the Arts
This study investigated California’s system for training and preparing elementary classroom teachers and secondary arts teachers to provide standards-aligned arts instruction, their familiarity with and use of the state’s visual…
Teachers’ Use Of Student Data Systems To Improve Instruction: 2005-2007
The current brief is the second in a two-part series examining teachers’ access to and use of data from student data systems.
Studying New Forms of Participation and Identity in Mathematics Classrooms with Integrated Communication and Representational Infrastructures
We describe a method for studying the impacts of combining wireless networks with dynamic, representationally-rich mathematics software, particularly on participation, expression and projection of identity from a local to a…