Education & learning publications
Preparing Teachers To Teach For Deep Understanding: A Curriculum-Based Approach
A central goal of most professional development in Earth science is to help teachers prepare their students to develop a deep understanding of subject matter. We describe an approach that…
STEM High Schools
The concept of secondary schools offering specialized curricula in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is not new.
Teachers’ Use Of Student Data Systems To Improve Instruction: 2005-2007
This report describes an exploratory substudy on teachers’ thinking about data conducted in conjunction with the larger Study of Education Data Systems and Decision Making data collection and the implications…
Prospects For Transforming Schools With Technology-Supported Assessment
Washington State Achievers Program: Influence of the Scholarship Program on Low-Income College Students’ Achievement and Aspirations
This qualitative study examined the personal experiences of scholarship recipients from the first cohort of the Washington State Achievers Program to determine the influence of the scholarship on students' lives.
Supporting the Art of Teaching in a Data-Rich, High Performance Learning Environment
Data-driven decision-making (DDDM) has become part of the school accountability and reform lexicon. The term commonly refers to policies and practices involving the use of student achievement and other data…
Wiggling Into Traditional High School Curriculum
Intel Teach Essentials Online: Global Pilot Evaluation Summary
Adolescent Smoking Trajectories and Nicotine Dependence
The present study correlates empirically constructed prospective adolescent smoking trajectories with indicators of nicotine dependence assessed in adolescence and in adulthood.
Extending the Simcalc Approach to Grade 8 Mathematics
In a second randomized experiment SRI International (SRI) and its partners replicated the approach of their seventh-grade experiment, extending the SimCalc approach to eighthgrade mathematics.
Callosal Compromise Differentially Affects Conflict Processing and Attentional Allocation in Alcoholism, HIV, and Their Comorbidity
Diffusion tensor imaging was used to study the combined effects of HIV-infection and alcoholism (ALC) on corpus callosum (CC) integrity in relation to processes of attentional allocation and conflict resolution…
Modeling the Impact of Formal and Informal Supports for Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families
Findings reinforce the role of high-quality services in maximizing perceived impact. They also highlight the important role of informal support in promoting optimism and confidence in parenting. Poverty status, minority…