Education & learning publications
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS) Final Report
This National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS) report presents the key findings from a national longitudinal study. This report summarizes some of the key findings from this 10-year study and…
Can Nanoscience Be A Catalyst For Education Reform?
This essay explores the implications of national initiatives to prepare students with the science and engineering knowledge necessary to function in a highly technological society and to maintain the momentum…
Dimensions of Behavior of Toddlers Entering Early Intervention: Child and Family Correlates
This study examined the nature and correlates of the behavioral characteristics of a nationally representative sample of 1612 toddlers 18–31 months of age entering Part C early intervention services in…
Local Strategies And Practice For Using Technology In K-12 Education
A Web Based Authoring Tool for Intelligent Tutors: Blending Assessment And Instructional Assistance
To help teachers make better use of their time, we are integrating assistance and assessment by utilizing a web-based system ("Assistment") that will offer instruction to students while providing a…
Teachers’ Use of Student Data Systems to Improve Instruction
The current brief is the second in a two-part series examining teachers’ access to and use of data from student data systems. The first brief indicated that about half of…
Using Handheld Technology To Move Between Private And Public Interactions In The Classroom
We present three examples of handheld use that exploit these unique affordances, and discuss how the use of handheld computers can be used to bridge research across different metaphors of…
Developing Fine-Grained Transfer Models In The ASSISTment System
In this article, we describe our attempt to create a fine-grained transfer model for 8th grade math based on the skills needed to take the Math MCAS exam and how…
I Think It Makes Me Not Give Up On Dreams. What Students Say About Hero
Ink, Improvisation, And Interactive Engagement: Learning With Tablets
Instructional models that reflective educators develop and share with their peers can primarily drive advances in the use of tablets in education. Communities that form around platforms such as Classroom…
Using Handhelds To Link Private Cognition And Public Interaction
This article discusses the importance of private interactions, in which a student works alone with learning materials, and public interactions, in which a group of students engage in discourse around…
Intel Learn Program Evaluation Findings
Launched in 2000 as Intel® Teach to the Future, the program has trained more than 4 million teachers in over 40 countries. Its customizable set of course components ranges from…