Education & learning publications
Effects of Oral Reading in Pre-School Children
Exploring The Economics Of Technology In Support Of Distance And Open Learning
Globe Year 7 Evaluation: Exploring Student Research and Inquiry in Globe
This is the seventh in a series of annual evaluation reports provided to the GLOBE Program by SRI, which has been evaluating the Program since its inception.
The Case For Using Randomized Experiments In Research On Newer Educational Technologies: A Critique Of The Objections Raised And Alternatives
Design Patterns For Assessing Science Inquiry (Padi Technical Report 1)
This paper reports progress on one facet of PADI: design patterns for assessing science inquiry. Design patterns bridge knowledge about aspects of science inquiry that one would want to assess…
Policy And Planning Requirements For Designing Rigorous Evaluations Of Learning Technology
Portable Assessment Authoring: Using Handheld Technology To Assess Collaborative Inquiry
This article reports on pilot studies of teachers and students using handheld computers to assess the quality of a complex, hard-to-measure classroom activity: student group work.
The Virtual High School: Teaching Generation V
This book is a definitive study of an important emerging phenomenon: the use of virtual learning environments in U.S. pre-college education.
Geoscience Projects and the Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL)
A Web-Based Tool to Support the Professional Development of Evaluators
A Decade of Public Charter Schools
Researchers at SRI International are conducting the first national evaluation of the PCSP for the U.S. Department of Education (ED).
Painting A Landscape Onto TAPPED IN 2
Starting in mid-2001, with new NSF funding, we began working with our partners and community to design a new TAPPED IN system that we call Tapped In Version 2.
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study: Sampling and Weighting Procedures: Enrollment Form, Family Interview, Service Records. NEILS Methodology Report No. 1
This reports details how the NEILS sample design balances the requirements for a nationally representative, three-stage sample against a further crucial criterion.