Education & learning publications
Learning Probability Through The Use Of A Collaborative, Inquiry-Based Simulation Environment
In this paper we report on the Probability Inquiry Environment (PIE), which facilitates the development of probabilistic reasoning by making available collaborative inquiry activities and student-controlled simulations.
Assessing The Impact Of A Large-Scale Online Teacher Professional Development Community
In this paper, we review data collected from a survey that was recently sent to the educators in the community. Specifically, we examine how experiences in TAPPED IN affect teaching…
The Online Course Experience: Evaluation Of The Virtual High School’s Third Year Of Implementation
The Virtual High School (VHS) is a consortium of high schools that offer network-based courses taught by consortium teachers for students in participating schools. The VHS teachers, with the help…
Community Technology Centers Program Findings Summary: A Review Of Fy99 Grantees’ Annual Performance Report
This report describes the results of a review of annual performance reports submitted by the FY99 grantees to the U.S. Department of Education on progress made toward the accomplishment of…
Globe Year 5 Evaluation: Classroom Practices
Since GLOBE began in 1995, GLOBE students have entered millions of measurements into it' archive and reviewed the resulting patterns and trends using tables, map visualizations, and graphing tools.
Rapid-Assembly Componentware For Education
By identifying, crystallizing and organizing design patterns, we aim to address problems of reusability and interoperability that currently present critical bottlenecks for the rapid assembly of educational technology.
Teaching The Game Of Golf
The Online Evaluation Resource Library: Using Web-Based Technology To Enhance Evaluation Practice
Costs Of ICT Use In Higher Education
This article focuses on the costs of use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for teaching and learning in higher education, bearing in mind that these technologies also support a…
Reusability And Interoperability Of Tools For Mathematics Learning: Lessons From The Escot Project
In this paper we describe our experience in creating interactive mathematics activities that incorporate interoperating tools from multiple sources.
Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study Field Assessor’s Training Guide
Students Collaborating With Computer Models And Physical Experiments
This study examines the actions and discourse of students in a chemistry laboratory course as they interact with available social and material resources.