STEM and computer science education publications
Impacts of students’ experimentation using a dynamic visualization on their understanding of motion
This study examines how students' experimentation with a dynamic visualization contributes to their understanding of science. We designed a week-long, technology-enhanced inquiry module on car collisions.
Supporting All Students In Learning Advanced Math: Findings From A Technology-Enhanced Curriculum Study
Supporting Learning In A Technology-Rich Environment: Sixth Grade Science Students’ Use Of An Online Chat In And Out Of School
Representational Competence And Chemical Understanding In The High School Chemistry Classroom
This chapter reports on the use of representational resources within a computer-based environment, called ChemSense, to support high school chemistry students’ representational practices and their understanding of key chemical concepts.
La Educacion En Ciencia Y Technologia Comp Derecho Social En La Economia Del Conocimiento
Comparing Three Approaches To Preparing Teachers To Teach For Deep Understanding In Earth Science: Short-Term Impacts On Teachers And Teaching Practice
This study used an experimental design to compare the efficacy of three different approaches to professional development for preparing teachers to implement curriculum units aimed at teaching for deep conceptual…
STEM High Schools
The concept of secondary schools offering specialized curricula in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is not new.
Preparing Teachers To Teach For Deep Understanding: A Curriculum-Based Approach
A central goal of most professional development in Earth science is to help teachers prepare their students to develop a deep understanding of subject matter. We describe an approach that…
Gender Differences In Science
We present a review of research that looks at alternative explanations for these gender differences in science. Specifically, we consider the significance of girls’ science attitudes and the pervasive influence—both…
Mathematics Worth Knowing, Resources Worth Growing, And Research Worth Nothing: A Response To The National Mathematics Advisory Panel Report
The authors praise Foundations for Success: The Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008) for focusing on the mathematics within mathematics education.
Can An Intelligent Tutoring System Predict Math Proficiency As Well As A Standardized Test?
We propose a new method of using students test scores from multiple years (referred to as cross-year data) for determining whether a student model is as good as the standardized…
Extending the Simcalc Approach to Grade 8 Mathematics
In a second randomized experiment SRI International (SRI) and its partners replicated the approach of their seventh-grade experiment, extending the SimCalc approach to eighthgrade mathematics.