STEM and computer science education publications
Six Years Of Knowledge Networking In Learning Sciences And Technologies
For learning and education to take full advantage of new and evolving information technologies and to contribute to the evolution of those same technologies, there is a fundamental need to…
Using Cognitive Analyses To Describe Students’ Science Inquiry And Motivation To Learn
Using Cognitive Analyses To Understand Motivational And Situational Influences In Science Achievement
This study explores the relationship between students’ test perceptions, motivation and engagement in multiple-choice and performance assessment testing contexts.
An Integrative Approach to Relating Science Inquiry Assessment Items to Science Curricula and National Standards
Five Key Considerations for Networking in A Handheld-Based Mathematics Classroom
In this report, we seek to respond by describing five key classroom networking considerations. To serve the interests of the PME audience, we seek to focus only on those aspects…
Design Patterns For Assessing Science Inquiry (Padi Technical Report 1)
This paper reports progress on one facet of PADI: design patterns for assessing science inquiry. Design patterns bridge knowledge about aspects of science inquiry that one would want to assess…
Geoscience Projects and the Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL)
A Web-Based Tool to Support the Professional Development of Evaluators
Report On A Conference On Models Of Implementation Research Within Science And Mathematics Instruction In Urban Schools
This report documents the proceedings and the deliberations of this conference that were led by these four NSF-sponsored projects (LeTUS, SYRCE, Schools for Thought, and Union City Online).
The Nature And Future Of Classroom Connectivity: The Dialectics Of Mathematics In The Social Space
This paper is about a specific instance of the interaction and coevolution of design, technological affordance, and cognitive theory. The idea is that next generation networking can better support or…
Simcalc Design Principles
On Motivation, Ability And The Perceived Situation In Science Test Performance: A Person-Centered Approach With High School Students
This research examined between-group differences in test-related perceptions, engagement, and performance; and within-group predictors of science performance among groups of high school students characterized by different patterns of science motivation.
Evaluation Of Technology-Based Nutrition Program Meals Matter
A survey was administered to gauge to a sample of potential users of Meals Matter in the target population of adult homemakers.