STEM and computer science education publications
Reusability And Interoperability Of Tools For Mathematics Learning: Lessons From The Escot Project
In this paper we describe our experience in creating interactive mathematics activities that incorporate interoperating tools from multiple sources.
Technology Supports For Student Participation In Science Investigations
The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program was established to bring Gore’s vision to fruition three years later.
Performance Assessment Links In Science (PALS)
SRI International is developing Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS), an on-line, standards-based, interactive resource bank of science performance assessments.
Construct Validation Of Mathematics Achievement: Evidence From Interview Procedures
This study investigated the validity of measures derived from a large-scale multiple-choice achievement test in mathematics, using evidence from introspective think-aloud protocols of students as they attempted test items.
Toward A Learning Technologies Knowledge Network
This paper describes the rationale and operations of the NSF-funded Center, and first-year progress in defining a set of CILT partnership projects with many other institutions that came out of…
Science In The Palm Of Their Hands
If we’re serious about having children use technology in K–12 classrooms, then we need to convince the gatekeepers of those classrooms as to the worth of the technology. Doing so…
Organizing Principles for Science Education Partnerships: Case Studies of Students’ Learning About ‘Rats in Space’ and ‘Deformed Frogs
We show that our Scaffolded Knowledge Integration framework gives partnerships a head start on effective designs. We illustrate this process with the Deformed Frogs partnership and the Rats in Space…
“…It’s Fair Because They Each Have Two”: The Development Of A Mathematical Practice Across Two Social Contexts
They have an equal chance of landing on...tails [R types] We think the game is fair because it has an equal chance of landing on heads as it has on tails.
Performance Assessment Links In Science (Pals): On-Line, Interactive Resources
We will discuss the role performance assessments can play in education reforms, suggest how technology expands the ways in which educators can access and use standards-based assessments and more.
Scalable Integration Of Educational Software: Exploring The Promise Of Component Architectures
We describe an exploratory effort in which four research groups produced software components for the mathematics of motion.
Toward An Integration Of The Social And The Scientific; Observing, Modeling, And Promoting The Explanatory Coherence Of Reasoning
Is scientific reasoning more likely to employ formal tools and/or more likely to involve the vigilant search for disconfirmation—something that just plain folk do, but less frequently?