STEM and computer science education publications
Computational thinking practices: Analyzing and modeling a critical domain in computer science education
This paper discusses the design process used to develop an assessment of computational thinking to support the adoption of a high school computer science curriculum.
Computer-Guided Inquiry to Improve Science Learning
Engaging students in inquiry practices is known to motivate them to persist in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields and to create lifelong learners. In inquiry, students initiate investigations,…
Simulations for STEM Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Brief)
This review addresses a gap in the current research literature on computer-based simulations for STEM learning.
Simulations for STEM Learning: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Full Report)
This report presents an overview of the process and initial findings of a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature on computer simulations for K–12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics…
Young Youth Explore Geospatial Data for Citizenship Project: A case study
Whether in formal or informal science youths’ engagement with data, particularly raw data, is threatened when supports are insufficient for drawing meaning from the data. For example, there may be…
Designing Geospatial Exploration Activities To Build Hydrology Understanding In Middle School Students
We designed activities that gave students map-based data relevant to the water cycle processes of evaporation, condensation, runoff, and infiltration.
Cornerstone Mathematics: Designing Digital Technology for Teacher Adaptation and Scaling
We report the results of a design-based research project in England that embeds digital technology. We report how the features of the innovation—particularly its technological infrastructure—could be leveraged, not only…
Exploring Sources of Variation in Studies of Knowledge Structure Coherence: Comparing Force Meanings and Force Meaning Consistency Across Two Turkish Cities
The current study compares student interviews across two cities in Turkey to provide insight into this question. The results demonstrate no significant differences in students’ consistency or meanings of force…
Sustainable Use of Dynamic Representational Environments: Toward a District-Wide Adoption of SimCalc-Based Materials
In this chapter, we will discuss pilot research in our multiyear effort aimed at aiding a large, urban school district in the state of Florida to adopt SimCalc MathWorlds® as a…
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Participation Among College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
This study analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2, a nationally representative sample of students with an ASD in special education.
Dynalabs for Teachers to Collaborate on Pedagogical Strategies
We report on new tools for teachers to construct, share, and iteratively refine idealized dialogues with imagined students.
DynaLogue: Teacher Candidates Collaborating to Learn and Teach Proportional Reasoning
This demonstration focuses on one aspect of this hands-on curriculum, DynaLogue.