STEM and computer science education publications
Datasets for Inquiry in Geoscience: A Design Model
This article describes the results of a proof of concept project, Data Sets for Inquiry in Geoscience (DIGS), funded by the National Science Foundation.
Preparing Students for Future Learning with Teachable Agents
One valuable goal of instructional technologies in K-12 education is to prepare students for future learning. Two classroom studies examined whether Teachable Agents (TA) achieves this goal.
Dynamics of North American Sector Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response During the November 2004 Superstorm
We present a study of ionospheric and thermospheric response during a November 9–10, 2004 major geomagnetic storm event (DsT ∼−300 nT).
Assessing Systems Thinking and Complexity in Science
This technical report provides support for designing tasks that assess systems thinking, in the form of a design pattern.
Building Relationships That Foster a STEM Continuum for Girls
Who We Are: Project Background and Partners • InnovaTE³: Mission, Goals, Curriculum, Participants • STEM Continuum Programming • Strategies for Building Relationships • Youth Development Approach • Evaluation • Successes…
Girls InnovaTE3: Girls Innovating with Technology as Entrepreneurial Environmental Engineers
InnovaTE3 is part of our ongoing effort to create a six-year STEM continuum for middle and high school girls in an afterschool program.
21st Century Skills in STEM Workforce Training Assessments
What skills do tech employers seek? A scenario-based learning approach for teaching STEM tech education is posited.
Innovate3: Girls Innovating With Technology As Entrepreneurial Environmental Engineers. Annual Report Year 2
Assessing 21st Century Skills: Summary Of A Workshop
Pellegrino reflects on the need for substantial change in what we expect students to know and be able to do in science, how science should be taught, and how science…
Integration of Technology, Curriculum, and Professional Development for Advancing Middle School Mathematics: Three Large-Scale Studies
The authors present three studies designed to evaluate the impact of replacement units targeting student learning of advanced middle school mathematics.
Teaching For Understanding In Earth Science: Comparing Three Professional Development Designs For Middle School Science Teachers
This paper compares and contrasts the impacts of three professional development designs aimed at middle school Earth science teachers on how teachers plan and enact instruction.
Bringing Out The Playful Side Of Mathematics: Using Methods From Improvisational Theater In Professional Development For Urban Middle School Math Teachers
Many urban districts are underfunded, are low performing by current measures, and serve a high number of students who have special challenges of language, poverty, and cultural differences.