Teaching quality publications
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation- Learning Brief 4
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation led by SRI International and Child Trends.
Examining Teacher Preparation Program Feedback from CSU Systemwide Survey Data: Using the CTQ Completer Survey to Support Data-Driven Continuous Improvement
This report provides background on the Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ) Completer Survey, describing how California State University (CSU) grantees of the New Generation of Educators (NGEI) initiative can use…
Review of Research on Clinical Practice in Teacher Preparation: What Do We Know and How Can We Advance Knowledge?
We share what research points to in terms of high-quality clinical preparation and recommend a more productive path for future teacher preparation research.
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation-Learning Brief 3 (February 2017)
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation (DE) led by SRI International and Child Trends.
How Clinical Coaches Support Candidate Development: Examining the Role of Clinical Coaches at CSU Fullerton to Improve Teacher Preparation
This report summarizes the initial work of California State University grantees participating in the NGEI. The report summarizes the five areas emphasized by the Bechtel Foundation for teacher education reform…
Approaches to Improving Clinical Practice: Describing How NGEI Sites are Reforming Clinical Placement Experiences and Candidate Feedback Systems
As part of the Bechtel-funded New Generation of Educators Initiative (NGEI), California State University (CSU) grantees are reforming the clinical experience in their teacher preparation programs. This report describes selected…
Professional Development to Support Instructional Improvement: Lessons from Research
This paper acknowledges the issue of nonstrategic use of professional development resources and describes lessons from research on how professional development could be better designed to achieve desired impacts on…
Improving early literacy in PreK–3: Lessons learned (August 2016)
The Pathway Schools Initiative aims to dramatically increase the number of students who reach the critical milestone of grade 3 reading proficiency, an indicator predictive of later academic outcomes and…
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation-Learning Brief 2 (July 2016)
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation (DE) led by SRI International and Child Trends.
Replacing Teacher Evaluation Systems with Systems of Professional Growth: Lessons from Three California School Districts and Their Teachers’ Unions
This report draws lessons from three California school districts and their teachers’ unions that have charted a different course and determined that the purpose of evaluation should be to improve…
Measuring the Quantity and Quality of the K-12 STEM Teacher Pipeline – Executive Summary
Together, these papers can guide policymakers, researchers, and educators through the potential implications and implementation of the STEM education indicator system.
Measuring the Quantity and Quality of the K-12 STEM Teacher Pipeline
SRI Education recruited three education policy experts to contribute concept papers that explore the research and policy implications of the STEM indicators system.